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•   Keith Scott  7/17
•   Bill Wojtylko  3/9
•   Ryan Dailey  3/29
•   Matt Flandorfer  3/28
•   Greg Parent  6/7
•   Emily Trickey (Stottele)  6/6
•   Tanya Galarza (Mason)  12/7
•   Christie Flaishans (Smith)  9/29
•   Kristin Sharp  7/16
•   Josh Hanning  6/11
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

3 live in Arizona
9 live in California
1 lives in Delaware
2 live in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
5 live in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
1 lives in Kentucky
1 lives in Louisiana
1 lives in Massachusetts
80 live in Michigan
4 live in New York
1 lives in North Carolina
4 live in Ohio
2 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in South Carolina
2 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
2 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in Germany
85 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


The Class of 1999 will be making a time capsule at their 10 Year Reunion, to be opened at their 20 Year Reunion.  Please bring something to put in it on June 27th.  A trinket, photo, or hand written wish would be lovely to share, and even better to remember in 2019!

Dear Class of 1999, 

Hard to believe what we’re celebrating, but here it is, our 10 Year Reunion from Trenton High School! With just months to go we hope you are excited and looking forward to coming back for our 1999 weekend spectacular.

Quotes we've been hearing lately:

"I know the calendar says otherwise, but my body still feels like I'm 16."

"For real? 10 years already!"

"Isn't it about time for a reunion?"

And our favorite quote, "YES! It IS about time for our class reunion!"

