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08/21/08 03:52 PM #1    

Jim Spain '68

Welcome to the Troy High School Class Of 1958 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

08/28/08 08:59 PM #2    

Carole O'Connor (MacGregor)

8/28/08 Hi Jim, I've been working on the site for about a week, and have made considerable progress, thanks to your guidance. As soon as the '58 yearbook photos are added to the profiles, I'll be sending classmates the invitation to sign on. This is a nice resource for keeping up to date with our classmates. Thanks very much for all the work you and Betsy have done to make this site possible.

09/04/08 01:29 PM #3    

Trent Cox

Thank you, Carole and Jim, for overseeing a smooth transition from the Times Union-sponsored website to this new one on behalf of our Class. Hopefully, a great number of our classmates will flesh out our little chunk of this easy-to-use medium. Carole, you did a wonderful job of setting this up in a very short time. The pictures alone are worth the trip. And to Jim's colleague, Betsey Savery, thanks for all you've done to encourage the use of this meeting place.

09/05/08 02:07 AM #4    

Joycelyn King

Carole, Jim, et al: this is a great way to keep in touch with THS friends. Thanks so much for setting up this venue. The reunion photos are just wonderful and surely show what a great time everyone had, thanks to the hard work of Joan, Ron, Barb, Carole and "worker bees". Folks who didn't come missed a memorable event!

11/22/09 04:35 PM #5    

Valerie Nolan (Demu)

Mike & Judy Radz,
Many thanks for your birthday greetings.
Do you ever come to FL? I'd love to see you down here in the sunshine state!

11/12/17 01:07 PM #6    

Barbara Haber (Hudson)


Please Beware:  Peter Denton was recently released from the UNC psyche ward, after having been involuntarilly committed by his wife,  allegedly for threatening to kill her.  Peter got permision to stay at my house, and came in a manic-high.  Peter is bi-polar, something I didn't know and never would have allowed him anywhere in my house or near me.  First thing Peter announced, getting into my car was that he was "running for president" and that he was "going to receive a Nobel Prize."    I knew then there was a problem

According to the police report on removing Peter from the marital home, Peter was quoted as staying  "You can't do this to me; I'm saving the world."  I feel very sorry for Peter's wife, Sue, for having lived with Peter  for so many years--some 29 I believe.  

Peter told me--bragged even--that he had managed to purchase a gun, even though he is prohibited by federal and state law from having a gun, because he is mentally disordered.  (That is an understement.).  I was able to tolerate Peter for a couple of days, but anyone who has had contact with a bi-polar should understand why I was so very tempted to put a garbage bag over his head, just to shut him up.  He remained in a full-blown manic state, bragging about how accomplished he was and his connection to Harvard.  (No Peter did not graduate from Harvard; he graduated from Hudson Valley Community College)

And while at my house, Peter pulled a drama queen incident asking me to call an ambulance because he needed to get a med prescription filled, said he was going to have a heart attack from sudden withdrawal from his medication. (Yeah, no surprise to me that this BP doesn't like taking his BP meds; none of them like to give up their manic highs)

When the ambulance came, Peter announced that he was a physician, and wanted the ambulance to take him shopping for his meds.  Ambulance driver said "sorry, we don't do shopping."  Peter wanted to go shpping by  ambulance because he thought he was going to have a wothdrawal  heart attack.  If only.  

I took Peter to get his meds, and then back to NC, where I checked him into a motel near the Sheriff's department, so he could get picked up by the Sheriff and be escorted back into his wife's house with the Sheriff there to protect her from Peter.  Stupid me; I had to use a credit card to check Peter into the motel--he had no ID's--and while there, Peter ran up a bill against my credit card, using the room key, of over $120. When I came home, I realized Peter had stolen from me; am not sure just what or how much, but now when I can't find something I believe was in my house when he was here a I can't find it, I suspect Peter.  I do know he consumed an entire new wheel of Bri cheese, opened cans of food in my kitchen that he left open on the counter, and an entire loaf of bread also disappeared.  

Peter left behind for me to find, his medications prescriptions: three pages full of pills for hallucinations, bi-polar disorder, depression, mania, skin prolems, kidney problems, dermatologicsl problems, yada yada.  Ironically, I discovered from the empty pill casings Peter left in the downstaris bedroom, that he did arrived with one medication that was not on his presription list:  viagara.  This brain damaged fool thinking he'd get lucky at my house? Then I became concerned about my dog, but my big 130 pound guy didn't let Peter even get near him, and would never let Peter get near me.  I told Peter that the upstaris rooms in my house were off-limits to him, but when I heard my dog growling, it was because Peter was coming up the stairs.  I told him to go back down, and he obeyed.

The stress of having a bi-polar Peter was enormous; after I left him in North Carolina, and regretting that I hadn't just dumped him at the side of a road, I ended up in an ER in Virginia for treatement of stress.  

So be careful:  I don't know if Peter has retrieved his gun, but if you do know his location, please call the FBI and let them now where is.  Peter bragged about having purchased the gun and said that the FBI had come looking for him to find out where they gun was, and he described how he had eluded them.  This may be part of his BP mania, but I wouldn't take any chances.  I think he could be very dangerous to others, if he does have a gun (which he said he purchased to use on his wife's Sons-in law who don't like him because of the way he treats his wife, Sue.) . Not so much concerned that Peter might be a danger to himself; after the time I had to spend with him as an involuntarly prisoner to this BP idiot in my car back to NC, that would be a good riddance. 



I'm an attorney; having dealt with a range of people in my many years of practice, I can predict that sooner or later Peter will  run afoul of authorities at some point.  I have no sympathy here; he voluntatily fried his brain doing drugs "in the day."  And he has no comprehension of why his own family avoids him, or why his wife celebrates Christmas with her family and leaves him home alone. No introspection.   But Peter's access to a firearm is a huge concern;  ATF is after him, he bragged.  If you see him, please call ATF.  







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