Message Forum

Welcome to the Troy High School, Troy, NY Message Forum.

The message forum is an ongoing dialogue between classmates. There are no items, topics, subtopics, etc.

Forums work when people participate - so don't be bashful! Click the "Post Message" button to add your entry to the forum.

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02/05/09 12:04 PM #1    

William (Bill) Maynard

See you all at the next reunion schedule permitting. Oh wait a minute, I don't have schedule!
See you there.

11/30/09 10:35 AM #2    

Betsy Mitchell Savery

This THS Class of 1963 Message Forum is intended for reconnecting with old friends, and making new ones as well. Our class welcomes and encourages the sharing of memories,updates,stories,etc.,from all THS alumni and friends.

Happy Holidays to all!!! May 2010 be one of great prosperity and GOOD HEALTH.

Please send your holiday greetings to your classmates by adding to this forum.

Peace and happiness,


11/30/09 02:22 PM #3    

Dion Petteys

GREAT photos for the Hall of Fame-2009-keep up the good work

12/02/09 02:05 PM #4    

Harry Khachadourian

To all my friends far and near. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah and a Healthy, Happy New Year.

12/31/09 06:11 PM #5    

Belva Lee McCabe Hawks

Happy New Year to the class of 1963 & their families.
A special thanks to Betsy for such a great job on this
site. I've enjoyed seeing all the photos & keeping up with
so many of the class. Wish we could get more of them to
be involved with this, it's great. THANKS, BETSY !

03/08/10 08:54 AM #6    

Linda Koffman Lawrence

I posted birthday wishes for you on your personal page, but let me wish you a very birthday here also.
I wish you a healthy and happy year for you and your family.
linda koffman lawrence

11/01/10 09:20 PM #7    

Belva Lee McCabe Hawks

I can't believe the little response to the Class Reunion Survey!!  Come on Class of '63, are we that numb in our old age that we don't want to at least try to get together one more time before any one else passes away? 

I for one have very pleasant memories of Troy High & made some very nice friends while there.  I think there are a lot of you that grew up & went to school with a large number of the class for all 12 years & I was envious of that.  Since we moved a few times and I went to several different schools, it was hard to make friends each time in a new area. 

I would enjoy seeing many of the class & hope we can somehow get a group together...

01/12/11 05:07 PM #8    

Belva Lee McCabe Hawks

I agree, Dennis. I guess there isn't anyone in the class of '63 that likes to keep in touch except for the few that we see on this message board or are our friends on facebook. Oh well, at least we look at this site every so often to at least check in to see if maybe someone else will respond. Hopefully everyone will have a safe & Happy New Year...

04/12/11 01:12 PM #9    

Belva Lee McCabe Hawks

Hi Everyone! Happy Spring to all...Hopefully the bad weather is over for now & we can look forward to a nice pretty spring & comfortable summer. Guess I'm dreaming, living in the heat here in Georgia! At least it hasn't hit the 90's yet, but it will soon enough! Hope all is well with everybody. Good thoughts & blessings are sent your way.

09/27/11 05:55 AM #10    

Belva Lee McCabe Hawks

Hi everyone!  Have a great Fall.  Can hardly believe another season is here already! I guess it must be that as we get older & time is so precious to us that it goes by so much faster.

I'm looking forward to seeing some of you at Roger's Tribute in Troy on Oct. 11th!  I wish more could attend so we could reconnect after all these years.

Have a beautiful leaf changing Fall.  My blessings to all.

10/21/11 06:17 AM #11    

Belva Lee McCabe Hawks

The tribute for Roger was awesome & I wish more from the class had attended.  It meant so much to me to be there.  I can't thank Betsy enough for all she has done for the class.  This web site was such a blessing for me to be able to reconnect with people & be able to find out things that are happening with our class.  ( Wish I had known about the reunion in 2004 - I would have tried to attend that one)  Looking forward to our "50th" reunion in 2013!!


TO DENNIS: I'm sorry I didn't realize you were there.  I wish you would have spoken to me.  It has been so many years, I hardly knew Wayne & Marty.   Take care & see you at the 50th!!

Hope the rest of 2011 is great for everyone. 

01/17/15 09:17 AM #12    

Dennis Edward Hunter

we are good in north carolina!! winter has not been bad or cold.

09/05/15 04:30 PM #13    

Dennis Edward Hunter

hot&dry summer. happy birthday to all, this year and many more!!


05/16/23 02:46 PM #14    

Paul John Raymond

1963 - 2023 = 60 years! Wow And Holy 🐄

Can't believe it. Any body got any thoughts or ideas.

05/24/23 03:31 PM #15    

Paul John Raymond

Hey! Any of us left from 1963. It's 60 years next month! 
Any survivalists still mobile? Could just do a dinner one
Saturday night or maybe a Lake George dinner cruise
in July or August. Suggestions? Any takers?





05/02/24 08:07 AM #16    

Joann Wager Tillberg (Tillberg)

My dear friend, Ellen Chicoine Wattsman died on February 22nd, 2024.  She was my closest friend at Troy High School and I just learned of her passing from  She will be dearly missed.  She was very special.  My condolences to her family.

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