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1 lives in Arizona
7 live in California
2 live in Colorado
3 live in Connecticut
6 live in Florida
3 live in Georgia
2 live in Maryland
4 live in Massachusetts
1 lives in Michigan
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Montana
2 live in Nevada
2 live in New Jersey
75 live in New York
4 live in North Carolina
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3 live in South Carolina
2 live in Tennessee
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2 live in Vermont
3 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in Mexico
188 location unknown


•   Matthew Hetman '63  9/26
•   Linda Ramroth (Van Alstyne)  9/29
•   Wendy Reynolds (Wessels)  10/1
•   David Daniels  10/3
•   Marilyn Petruska (Niles)  10/3
•   Ralph Edwards  10/4
•   Linda Feathers (Nadler)  10/8
•   Julian Leidman  10/8
•   Jeanne Zampier (Kelley)  10/8
•   Barbara Macey (Mancini)  10/10
•   Barbara Macey (Mancini)  10/10
•   Edward Kennedy  10/13
•   Marian Levinstein  10/18

Welcome to the Troy High Class Of 1964 web site.



Home Page Visitor Count: = 27,971


Hi Classmates,

I hope everyone is enjoying the parts of summer they like the most.  And as summer starts waning our class has an event which will be fun for us as well as any friends you might have in surrounding classes.  Arthur Finkle has taken on a leadership role in staging this picnic in recognition of our class being 60 years out of high school.  If you need any information not offered here, please be in touch with him (203-371-6677).  Here is what you need to know:

There will be a “meet and greet” on Friday September 6th in the Recovery Room at the Hilton Garden Inn on Hoosick St. from 6:30 to 10 pm.

The picnic will be held Saturday, September 7, 2024 at the Deerfield Pavilion in Grafton Lakes State Park.  Prime hours to see everyone will be from 11 to 3.  However the rental extends from 8AM to sunset, so come and go as you please.  Food is available from the store across the road from the park, or bring whatever you like. 

A group rate of $189 is available from the Hilton Garden Inn by using the code THR64 for Friday and/or Saturday nights.  (The regular price is  $234.)  The code is good through August 6.  Call Paige Palmateer (518-953-1986)  if you need help with any Hilton issues.  There are of course many places to stay overnight in the area; find what works best for you.

Come if you can, and do invite your friends in other classes.   Help to spread the news of this event by sharing this information with your THS friends, or be in touch with Arthur to explore other ideas.

Wishing you lots of sunshine and warm summer breezes, and ice cream, Linda (Chesman) Byard, THS ‘64


Celebrate graduating from Troy High School sixty years ago!

 Invite your friends and family:

Picnic to be held at Grafton Lakes State Park on September 7, 2024.  

More details to come but save the date now!
