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Canyon Del Oro High School
Class Of 1986


Dear Friends and Fellow CDO High School Class of ’86 Alumni,
It is finally time for our twenty-five year high school reunion! For most of us this rite of passage would seem unreal, if it were not for those of us who have children that are now entering high school for the first time, or have graduated from high school and are now amazing adults. The motto we should all adopt is: “We are not getting older, we are getting better”!
Though most of us are scattered across the country or even around the world for that matter, one thing remains the same. Together, we shared a common experience in a crucial period of personal growth and development in our small corner of the universe, on Calle Concordia, where it was impossible to do 25 mph. Rest assured there was OVPD waiting in the bushes for those of us who were a bit more lead-footed. It was during those four years of carefree adolescence, that life-long friendships were established. The freedom once-again restored upon graduation to shed stereotypes and to start a life long journey beyond high school into adulthood.
With the advent of Facebook, we have been able to re-connect with friends that we may have lost contact with over the years. Wouldn’t it be great to see those friends in person again? Some of us are fortunate enough to still remain close to those we have grown up with. Many of us have known each other since elementary school, a very long time indeed! We have seen each other through successes and failures, graduations, new jobs, marriages, the birth of children, divorces, and personal losses.
Come as you are, hopefully the last twenty-five years have taught each of us something about humility and embedded the desire to “come home again” ,seek out old friends and cherish them as we all proceed down the path of age. Our outsides may have changed but inside we are still essentially the same group of kids with many fond memories of each other.
We are very pleased to invite each of you to our twenty-five year reunion and hope that you will bring yourselves and your families if you have them, to join us for a great weekend filled with friendship, memories and plenty of sunshine!! Please plan on joining us for an unforgettable weekend, June 24-26 2011. We know that this is a trek for most but we truly hope you all are able to attend.
With warm regards,
Sheri Bracamonte-Moormann, Mindy Foss-Ernest, Kim Faulk-Carlisle,
Stacey Green-Wessling and John Zwerg
Your 25th high-school reunion committee