In Memory

Sara Caples (Moses)

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09/03/09 05:58 PM #1    

Roy (Clay) Taylor

I knew Sarah from work but did not know her until we went on a run together. While on the old freight train from Tucson to Yuma we talked about a lot of things and found that we were from the same 1969 Palo Verde class. We recounted old memories and told stories about things that happened in school. Sarah had only known of her terminal cancer for a couple of weeks and this was her first time back to work. I feel fortunate to have gotten to know her on this round trip, as it was her last. To the family she left behind, "she was a really kind person, a good coworker and one hell of a artist", she will be missed....Thanks for working with me on your last trip.....Clay Taylor....

06/25/14 11:29 AM #2    

Chuck Collins

Thanks Roy, for allowing us to know about Sara. She was a very nice, quiet yet shy girl.

06/26/14 02:29 PM #3    

Jerry Bokowski

Sarah lived across the street from me on Sierra and Igo way. We both went to school at Wrighstown and Magee Jr, High. We used to walk from Harrison Road on Sierra where the school bus dropped us off and had nice chats on our way home. She was  always very nice to me.

If memory serves, her folks owned a Camera Shop near Cambell and Grant. She had a younger sister named Nina who is currently an attorney in Sierra Vista, Az. It's hard to believe that over 50 years have passed since those walks home. A beautiful person in every way!

Jerry Bokowski


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