20 Year Reunion



Booker T. Washington Class Reunion
July 22-25 , 2010
Over the past several months the class officers have been meeting to plan the events for the up coming reunion. It has taken a great effort in putting everything together but will all be worth it to see everyone enjoying themselves at the 20th Year Reunion. The date planned for the Reunion is July 22-25. We hope as many as possible will be able to attend. Some of us haven’t seen each other since we graduated …why not use this time to reconnect with old friends and catch up on whats going on now. We were a dynamic class and Booker T. Washington High School provided the launching pad for us all. Lets all plan to relive the old days and celebrate what has now become new. 
The Itinerary is as follows:
Thursday, July 22
Registration - 6:00pm - 10:00pm
Registration will be held at the Doubletree Hotel at Warren Place, 6110 South
Yale Ave….918-495-1000 (61st and Yale). We will pass out the memorabilia
 packets as well as the reunion information. Refreshments will be served.
Friday, July 23
Breakfast - 9:30am – 11:00am
            Golden Corral – 8144 E. 21st. (21st and Memorial) - NON Class sponsored event.
Class Dance - 10:00pm – 2:00am
Class Dance at the old ONG Building at  624 South Boston Ave.
(7th and Boston.). The DJ will be our classmate Clay Hopkins ( DJ Shabazz).
            This will be an open event: $5.00 charge for non-classmates
Saturday, July 24
Picnic – 11:00am – 2:00pm
Picnic will be held at Chandler Park Pavilion 3. It will be catered by Oklahoma
Style BBQ. This is a family event for the classmates and their spouses and
            Formal Dinner - 6:00pm - 1:00am
Formal Dinner and Dance at The Doubletree Hotel at Warren Place 6110 South
Yale Ave….918-495-1000 (61st and Yale).
The dance will be featured by a live band “Mocha” as well as DJ’d by
BTW’s own DJ Shabazz( Clay Hopkins)
            The dance will be an open event: $5.00 charge for non-classmates
Sunday, July 25 – For those that are still in town there will be a Brunch..Location
                               TBD . - NON Class sponsored event

