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What is your opinion of this class website?

  I like it, please keep it up and accessible.
  It is of no use to me. Not sure why I joined.
  I like it but I wouldn't miss it if it were gone.
  Who needs this page with Facebook around.


•   Julie Crawshaw (McBride)  9/20
•   Tricia Grona  9/22
•   Hillary Hamilton  9/23
•   Laura Miller  9/23
•   Angie Schad (Brashears)  9/23
•   Yen Boone (Lucas)  9/24
•   Brian Cunningham  9/25
•   Richard Sapcut  9/25
•   Tammy Bittle (Wall)  9/26
•   Machelle Duncan (O'Dell)  9/27
•   Aleisha "ZoĆ«" Wilkerson  9/29
•   Annette Griffin (Fountas)  10/4
•   Bj Lasater  10/4
•   Joseph Roberts  10/5
•   Ronda Romans (Hulsey)  10/5
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     Welcome to the East Central High Class Of 1987 web site. I  started this site as a way to keep in touch or get back in touch (for free) with former classmates.  This site will also serve as a central repository for contact information which will assist with organizing class events.  Please use this site frequently and keep your profiles up to date. Post pics of your family within your profile for all to see.   If you have information on classmates, please forward this to me. If you have ideas or would like to see something special, drop me a note. Spread the word about this site to other classmates.

  Chris Fields


Check out the newly added Photo Gallery link located on the left. Feel free to upload photos and family, friends or whatever you feel the rest of us would like to see. Create your own album and modify your pics as you wish.

Profile Subscriptions:  Now you can subscribe to classmate profiles and make any changes from one place.  Click 'Profile Subscriptions' under Member Functions on the left frame.  Displayed is a list of all classmates for whom you have subscribed to their profile.  You can add (or delete) a subscription to be notified should an old friend join the site or if an already subscribed classmate changes their profile.

Just a few songs from 1987...

