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•   Bill Nelson  2/6
•   James Orlando (Orlando)  1/1
•   Janet Zeiler (Shimkus)  10/16
•   George Rivest  9/28
•   David West  9/6
•   James Kemmerling (Kemmerling)  6/28
•   Anna Ward (Ertl)  6/15
•   Jim Korlewitz  5/27
•   Nancy Martin (Spiering)  8/26
•   Peggy Stanton (Upton)  9/28
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1 lives in Alaska
3 live in Arizona
1 lives in California
2 live in Colorado
5 live in Florida
2 live in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
1 lives in Iowa
2 live in Michigan
3 live in Minnesota
1 lives in Mississippi
1 lives in New York
1 lives in Oklahoma
4 live in Tennessee
1 lives in Utah
69 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in Mexico
1 lives in Switzerland
140 location unknown
33 are deceased


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Welcome to the Union Grove High Class Of 1976 web site!  If you are a member of our class and already have an account, welcome back!  If you are a member of our class, and visiting for the first time, please be sure to create an account and provide your contact information so you can keep informed of current and future events.


UGHS Class of 1976 45th Reunion

On October 16, 2021, forty of our classmates and twenty additional significant others gathered for our 45th Class Reunion.  The event was kicked off with a tour of the High School, which was guided by the current Principal, Joel Adamszyk.  Those that attended the tour enjoyed reminiscing as they walked through the halls of what is the same, and seeing what is new at UGHS.  

After the school tour, we met for a social hour at the American Legion Hall in Union Grove, followed by a delicious dinner.  The evening was spent catching up with old friends, that lasted for some into the wee hours of the night.

Thank you for all who came and made this a successful reunion.  We missed everyone who was unable to be there, and hope to see you at our 50th!