In Memory

Patrick Orsino

Orsino, Patrick F., 24, of Utica, died March 17, 2005.

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12/06/08 10:29 AM #1    

Jessica Putrello (Riggio)

~Rest in Peace are loved and missed forever~ truly one of the coolest cats I have ever known :)

01/05/09 04:32 PM #2    

Joseph Redmond

Great Kid... May you Rest In Peace Pat...

07/28/09 04:13 PM #3    

Gary Julian

I remember meeting Pat for the first time. I have this vivid image in my mind of a kid sitting on a stool at Campus Inn with a cup of coffee in one hand, and a PFunk(Parliment Cigs that Pat used to call PFunks for those of you who didn't know) in another. Bob Seger's "Turn the Page" was playing on the Jukebox, Patty O offered me the stool right next to him, we got to rappn and we were Best Friends ever Since. He was the most welcoming, easy going person I ever encountered. I will never forget that day.
I was not able to attend Pat's Funeral when he passed away because I was in the military oversea's. I just wished I could of been there to thank him for all that he taught me throughout our friendship, I wish I could of had one last conversation with you brother, I just wanted to tell you Thank You for teaching me to LIVE my life and enjoy every moment I have, and Thank You for making me a better person by just being you. You were more admired and loved than you could ever realize my friend. Rest in Piece my friend, I hope to see you again someday.

10/24/11 01:35 PM #4    

Kendal Slaughter

Honestly me and Pat were just cool as classmates. I never met such a humble and respectable guy. He always had a smile and was stayed in good spirits. My condolecents to his family. Truely an amazing guy.

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