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•   Brett Radelet  9/18
•   Anthony Narwani  8/19
•   Gregory Wornell  6/14
•   Robin Thaker  11/11
•   Gary Regan (Regan Regan)  9/15
•   Andrea Nicholson (Nicholson)  9/4
•   Alan Balinsky  3/3
•   Victor Choy  8/10
•   Lalita Lal  5/19
•   Frank Kschischang  4/17
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Armed Forces Pacific
6 live in California
1 lives in Colorado
2 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Texas
4 live in Washington
3 live in Alberta
91 live in British Columbia
8 live in Ontario
1 lives in Quebec
1 lives in Antarctica
2 live in Australia
1 lives in China
1 lives in Hong Kong
1 lives in United Kingdom
169 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the Eric Hamber High Class Of 1980 web site. We're hoping to connect with everyone from the "First Grad of the 80's". Please go to "Classmates profiles" to join. This site will stay up for a few years (at least).

Eric Hamber 50th Anniversary 

50th Anniversary Celebration! May 14-17, 2013

Everyone is welcome to attend this community event. Click the link at the top left above or go to the event web site,,,

Also, Class of 80 has booked the Chill Lounge @ The Railway for Sat night after 7pm


Art! Vancouver would like to invite you to join us May 21-24, 2015 for four exciting days of artwork from Canadian and International art galleries & artists! Attendees will experience an unprecedented collection of fine art hosted for the first time in Vancouver. Browse through hundreds of works of art for home or office and support Vancouver's fine art scene - book your ticket today!

for a 20% discount on tickets use code LW20

Come see my art at the show and
Thanks to Mr Webber for getting me interested in art in grade 8!

We created a Facebook page when this site went down and we will keep that active as well so please join us on with the link below if you haven't already so we can keep all of us Grad '80 group together via FB and our class website.!/groups/212415238855759/

That was a special occassion! Thanks to everyone for coming from far and near. We all share an important history together.

Lots of thanks to Lisa Wolfin (decorations & awesome slide show), Randy Morris (Arbutus Club), Brent Smith (name tags & front of house), Mateo Babini (music & facebook), Jacquie Norlander & Dan Grohman (door prizes), Allen Challmie & Andrea Nicholson (front of house) and everyone who made a call, email, or in any way reached out to others.

Also to Nanette Olivar, Brent Smith, Shahraz Khazam, Ken bernhard and mark Leiren-Young for generously donating prizes.

Please load your photos on to the website (upper left corner).

It was a pleasure.

Dave S

EH Grad '80 you really are amazing people! Awesome weekend!

Remember...there's going to be one HUGE 50th Birthday party in a couple of years!

All the best and look forward to keeping in touch with all of you.


Dave and I have booked the CHILL LOUNGE at the RAILWAY CLUB on Saturday, May 18, 2013 so the Class of '80 can enjoy a 50th birthday drink (a year later) together. We know there will be many of us meeting up at the Hamber 50th Anniversary Celebration on Friday, May 17 at the school as well but do book both dates on your calendar and we'll make a weekend of it.

Our classmate Matteo Babini has kindly started a group for us old folks on Facebook:(!/group.php?gid=159764006135 )- check it out & join our group (Eric Hamber Secondary Grad 80)!!
