In Memory

Robert James Rushing

Robert James Rushing

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07/31/18 11:36 AM #6    

Walt Neal

Bob was a sweet caring guy. Loved music and theater. Always kind and friendly. Bob knew a ton about American history, especially the Civil War and the South. He was always nice to my sister and a lot of fun to be around. A very positive human being. Fond memories of a very decent man.

07/31/18 11:58 AM #7    

Joyce Yeager (Dixon)

I am so sad to learn of Bob's passing. We got to know each other through Drama. He was Mr.Frank to my Mrs. Frank when we did The Diary of Anne Frank. The summer after our graduation, we ran around with Mary Ann Neal and a number of others who had been involved in Drama. (Obviously my age is showing as the names escape me!) Anyway, we kept in contact while he was at Ohio State, He was so smart and so funny; there was never a dull moment when Bob was around!  Rest in peace my friend.

07/31/18 01:09 PM #8    

Ronnie Wells

So sorry to hear of Bob's passing. From 7th grade on, I was in the same classes as Bob. We were in band together for all those years. We went ot Ohio State together and Bob and Gayle Macher and I shared rides back and forth for holidays. Got to know Bob well. I think Walt Neal said it best..."Fond memories of a wonderful, decent man!" Rest in peace dear Bob.

07/31/18 02:54 PM #9    

Connie Boling (Curry)

So sorry we have lost this wonderful person. I remember him nicknaming me turtle our senior year. At the first reunion I attended I heard "turtle" yelled from a distance and I knew it was him before I ever looked. He was a special guy.

07/31/18 05:37 PM #10    

Linda Bourne (Hellard)


I greatly miss the very long talks Bob and I would have beginning (believe it or not) in Junior High. Back in the days of party lines and long before call-waiting, the length of time I spent on the phone with Bob could be a source of friction between my mother and I. Years after high school passed when I didn't hear from Bob and then out of the blue right before one of our reunions -perhaps the 25 - came a call from Bob. By then he was living in Washington, D.C. He didn't call often just every now and then but I always loved hearing from him. He had such a good memory for those long-ago high school days and friends. As the years passed, the call frequency increased and I would hear from him three or four times a year. He even gave me his unlisted number (Bob was an extremely private person especially in these later years) and invited me to call him, which I did occasionally. All of that stopped prior to the time of our 50th reunion when Bob asked me not to contact him any more. He gave no reason, told me that he was fine, and that he just wished to maintain his privacy. For the next couple of years, I did send Christmas cards even though he had asked me not to. I kept my promise, though, not to call him. The first couple of years I sent Christmas cards, they didn't come back but then after that, I did have one returned to me. I never heard from Bob again following that last phone call. Rest in peace my dear friend.

08/01/18 11:04 AM #11    

Ival Salyer

I remember Bob's humor in summer band camp, as we would toil at the Wailing Wall to get our marching knee lift to a certain row of bricks, according to Robert Davis' exacting standards.  

He was very well read.  I remember his love for William Faulkner.  In English class, he would describe (and correctly pronounce) the fictitious Yoknapatawpha county, the setting of the novels.  I seem to remember Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams as another favorite.

He was an effervescent positive person who could trigger a roomful of smiles. Rest in Peace

08/02/18 10:18 AM #12    

Sandy Grover (West)

So saddened to hear of Bob’s passing. He was a good friend to everyone. 

08/04/18 03:48 PM #13    

Joyce Orange

So sorry to hear of the passing of, Bob.  He was such a nice guy in school.

08/05/18 11:02 PM #14    

Art Barnes

Sandy's comment prompted me to recall Bob & Sandy sharing their dance talents in our 8th grade music class. Talk about bravery! While most of us were only developing as wall flowers, Sandy and Bob had practiced doing the jitterbug to Pat Boone's "A Wonderful Time Up There."  The song called for a lot of energy to meet its fast  pace, and Sandy & Bob were up to the challenge. They were impressive!  But more  impressive is the widespread outpouring of Bob Rushing memories from so may classmates. We're  all blessed to have known Bob and now celebrate his life.

08/11/18 01:12 PM #15    

Janice Eicher (Miles)

Met Bobby when we were 9 or 10.  We lived on Greenhurst and his family on Kirkwood.  We became good pals, went to church together and spent much of those early summers playing cards(mostly canasta) in our garage.  I teased Bob because he had relatives in TN that he would visit in the summer; we thought TN was quite a backward place at that time and we asked him if he wore shoes when he went to TN. He took the kidding good-naturedly if not somewhat indignantly!  Bob was a good friend and will be missed.

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