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Welcome to the 
Warren Central High School
Class Of 1986!

We regret to announce that we will be cancelling our plans for the 30th reunion. We have not had half the response that we need to have and will be unable to move forward with our plans. We tried to find an alternative free location but were unable to do that. We will be refunding everyone that has sent in money. Those that paid by check or cash will receive a money order in the mail (if your check was cashed-we held off on the payments that we received this last week so we will just mail your check back if it was not cashed). Paypal payments will be sent back via paypal. Thankfully we had a little money left over from the 20 year and will be able to refund those that paid deposits for this. Any left over after this will be dissolved with a memorial to those that we have lost. I will update everyone on that info when we have that info to share.

For those that will be in Vicksburg that weekend, we invite you to join us at 10 South Restaurant at 5:00 pm.   Chat and see some old friends!




Join us on Facebook too! 
(Don't you kind of wish they had that when we were in high school?   NAH!!)  


Share Your Pics From Back in the Day

Do you have...
*  high school photos?
*  10 year reunion photos?
*  20 year reunion photos?

Send them to us and we will post them for everyone to enjoy!!!


Weather at the Home of the Vikings


Viking Radio

Here is a musical blast from the past.   If you enjoy it, crank it up.   If not, just hit pause!




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•   Donna Hall (Taylor)  1/4
•   Bobby Hudson  4/15
•   Neal Dougherty  4/15
•   Angie Stampley (Covington)  4/14
•   Kelly Woods  3/2
•   Cheryl Butler (Oleis)  10/19
•   Glenn Waters  10/11
•   Jeff Peltz  6/4
•   James Shirley  5/27
•   Terra Brown (Mashburn)  2/1
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
2 live in Arkansas
1 lives in California
1 lives in District Of Columbia
6 live in Florida
10 live in Georgia
3 live in Illinois
1 lives in Kansas
1 lives in Kentucky
7 live in Louisiana
1 lives in Maryland
102 live in Mississippi
1 lives in Missouri
1 lives in Nebraska
1 lives in New York
1 lives in North Carolina
1 lives in Ohio
2 live in Oklahoma
2 live in Pennsylvania
2 live in South Carolina
12 live in Tennessee
12 live in Texas
2 live in Utah
1 lives in Vermont
3 live in Virginia
1 lives in Japan
206 location unknown



Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!
