Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
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Select Year of Graduation. If your year isn't displayed and you want to join, add yourself here.
Nancy Allen (1976)
Lily B Wright (Biedenharn) (1964)
Barry Bagby (1966)
Mary Jo Blackwell (1967)
Barbara Bliss (Quirk) (1951)
Len Bobo (1967)
Kathy Boggan (Friar) (1965)
Beverly Brasfield (Roggenkamp) (1963)
Sharon Brasfield (Franciques) (1966)
Dixie Breithaupt (1952)
Bradley Brock (1962)
Butch Brooks (1964)
David Browman (1964)
James Brown (1954)
Charles Chappell (1962)
Susan Clark (Mills) (1959)
Carolyn Cook (Goldsboro) (1961)
Sybil Cook (Tompkins) (1960)
David Cotton (1966)
Jimmy Cowart (1962)
Sue Culkin (Rives) (1969)
Jack Curtis (1953)
Tommy Curtis (1957)
Jack Dean (1964)
Olga Deaton (Barfield) (1961)
Joyce Dodd (Cowart) (1963)
Carolyn Drowns (Barnes) (1960)
Tommy Dudley (1962)
Jimmy Ferguson (1962)
Annette Fortner (Harris) (1964)
Edward Fowler (1961)
Doris Galey (Jeffers) (1964)
Virginia Gilbreath (Hall) (1967)
Jerry Graham (1960)
Jack Green (1947)
Madelyn Guilbert (Stubbs) (1962)
Edward Guthrie (1964)
Edwin Guthrie (1964)
Laverne Guthrie (Bryant) (1959)
Linda Hale (Garnett) (1960)
Doug Hall (1965)
Osa Harper (1964)
Ann Harris (1965)
Carolyn Harris (Hicks) (1961)
John Head (1947)
Pam Fay Hearn (Duet) (1963)
Ray Hearn (1965)
Franklin Trudy Hicks (1959)
Juanita Hilderbrand (Flanders) (1961)
Carolyn Hill (Crow) (1961)
Jimmy Hill (1963)
Joyce Hill (Johnson) (1962)
Vallarie Hill (Clausen) (1965)
Bob Hollingsworth (1962)
Jack Hollingsworth (1964)
R L Hullum (1965)
Miriam Jacobson (Emerson) (1964)
Linda Jamison (Richardson) (1964)
Patsy Jamison (Brown) (1962)
Peggy Jennings (Roddey) (1964)
Anna Jo Jones (Thomas) (1952)
Tom Kinzer (1958)
Albert Kleinman (1963)
Lynn Kleinman (Wright) (1959)
Buddy Lofton (1968)
Frances Lynn (Holliday) (1960)
Patricia Lynn (Barnes) (1965)
Carl May (1959)
Mona McClurg (Whitson) (1955)
Sharlott McClurg (Valentine) (1956)
Jeanne McHann (1963)
Rodney McHann (1961)
Jewel-Benny McMahon (Doughtery) (1967)
Herman Middleton (1961)
Linda Jo Mounce (Hammack) (1962)
Knoxie Muirhead (McGuffie) (1943)
Katherine Murihead (Kennedy) (1955)
George Newman (1959)
Frank Noble (1964)
Elise ONeal (McIntosh) (1959)
Kathy ONeal (Whidden) (1966)
Kay Lynn Orman (Beemon) (1964)
Larry Pharr (1970)
Martha Pharr (Rule) (1958)
Marie Renaud (1960)
Leroy Robinson (1962)
Margie Rollison (Lambert) (1947)
Peggy Jo Rollison (Sweeney) (1961)
Sonny Rule (1958)
Phillip Rusche (1965)
Charles Scallorn (1953)
Donnie Sharp (1963)
Billy Shaw (1957)
Cynthia Shelton (Lathrop) (1962)
Charles Shive (1962)
Eddie Lee Smith (1959)
Carolyn Stevens (Dedmon) (1963)
Junie Stevens (1960)
Peggy Stevens (Bachtel) (1956)
Betty Strong (Powell) (1958)
Kaye Strong (Townsend) (1965)
Carra Sullivan (1947)
Randy Templeton (1967)
Sylvia (Redmond) Thornell (1962)
Anne Townsend (Southern) (1967)
Gail Townsend (Johnson) (1972)
Jimmy Townsend (1965)
Joe Warren (1965)
Alice Whitehead (Bufkin) (1964)
Mike Wigley (1967)
James Wilkerson (1965)
Patsy Wilkerson (1965)
Mickey Williams (1960)
Steve Wilson (1962)
Ruth Wolverton (Fernstrom) (1957)
Betty Woodman (Smith) (1955)
Claude Wright (1961)
Claudia Wright (West) (1966)
Morris Wright (1960)