On your first visit, complete your profile to access password protected pages of our classmates. Click on Classmate Profiles, find your name on the page that comes up and click on it. Follow the prompts and fill in your information to personalize your page.  You may upload photos.  Remember the password that you create because you'll need it to log in.  Protecting your profile with a password will block search engines and the general public from accessing your personal details.

Update your profile with any changes to your email address, home address or phone number.

Former classmates who did not graduate with us and not currently listed as a Guest Member are welcome to join.  Click on Contact Us.

If you are aware of any classmate who should be added to the In Memory list, click on the bottom of that page.

Your contact info (phone number, email and home address) is private and confidential unless you allow it in your profile.   Only your city and state will be visible when someone clicks on your name.  Other information about yourself including pictures you may wish to post will also be viewable. Although your email address is not visible  someone can email you through the contact box at the bottom of your webpage.  You will see the sender's email address so you can respond.

To upload pictures to your webpage, log in at the Home Page.  Under Member Functions click on Edit/Upload Photos and follow the prompts.  Click on Add Files to find the picture from your computer files, usually My Pictures under My Documents folder. Select and click on your picture(try holding down CTRL key for multiple photos), click Open.  That should take you back to the Upload New Photo page.   Click on Upload Files and after uploading add a Caption if you wish and then click on SAVE CHANGES. Any questions, please email me at or use the Message Forum.