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Add pictures to your profile

I think we all would like to see more pictures on the website.  Only 28 of you have added pictures!  I don't know whether you just don't want to add pictures or maybe, you don't know how to do it.  It is described in #6 on the First Time Visitors page, but I understand if you did not make it down that far on the page so I am posting the instructions here now and I HOPE TO SEE PICTURES OF YOU SOON!

If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 254 715-9160.  If you want to add photos, but are unable to for any reason, you can always email them to me and I will be happy to add them to your profile.  btaylor@hot.rr.com

Brenda Ross Taylor

I just added some pictures to my profile just to practice in case someone calls me with questions!


Filling in the Photo Slots at the Top of your Profile:


Click "Edit Profile" under MEMBER FUNCTIONS.

Roll your cursor over the Master Photo,Then, Now, or Yearbook photo sihouette (note you cannot upload a yearbook photo if one has already been provided)

Click "Select Photo" displayed in the upper right corner of photo, then click the "Upload a New Photo" button.

Select the desired photo from your hard drive.  

(Brenda here: I have never been able to get a picture directly from my photos application.  I always drag the picture I want to upload onto the desktop.  You can then select the photo from the desktop.)

You will then be given an opportunity to crop the photo for a perfect fit.


Adding large "Profile Gallery Images" to your Profile


Click "Edit Profile" under MEMBER FUNCTIONS.

 Click the photo tab in the upper right corner of your Profile.

You will see any images previoulsy uploaded here.  Click the "Upload a New Photo" button to add more.

Click to select images you wish to display on your Profile.  All images with a green check mark will display.  Click again to not display, and the green check mark will disappear.

To add a caption under your images, roll over any image and select "Edit Details".  Enter your caption and press save.

You can adjust the display order of your photos by simply dragging and dropping them into the positions of your choosing.