Go Ahead Click on Me

Take the survey just for fun.......

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* Answer Required
1)   * Have you ever gone sky diving?

yes no
2)   * Do you like sushi?

yes no
3)   * Boxers or Briefs?

4)   * What is the strangest color your hair has ever been?

5)   * Have you ever thrown or attended a Hurricane party in an actual Hurricane?

yes no
6)   * Ever survived a tornado?

yes no
7)   * Have you ever shaved your head?

yes no
8)   * Have you been married more than three times?

yes no
9)   * Do you have at least four children?

yes no
10)   * Do you have at least five children?

yes no
11)   * Do you have more than five children??!! Good Grief!

yes no
12)   * What is your favorite time of the year? Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall?

13)   * What was your favorite subject in school?

14)   * What was your least favorite subject in school?

15)   * Have you ever sung or performed on stage?

yes no
16)   * Have you ever joined the military?

yes no
17)   * Is there a bottle of Polo Cologne in your home right now?

yes no
18)   * Do you still own a pair of leg warmers?

yes no
19)   * What color was your first Nike Swoosh...?

  Another color
20)   * Have you ever bunchee jumped?

yes no
21)   * Ever fallen asleep at the wheel?

yes no
22)   * Is love or money more important to you?

23)   * Have you ever broken any bones...if so, how many?

24)   * Do you have a Bachelor's Degree?

yes no
25)   * Do you have a Master's Degree?

yes no
26)   What color was your prom tux?

  Baby Blue
  Wore a dress instead :)
27)   * Are you a vegaterian?

yes no
28)   * Do you consider peanut butter a staple in your kitchen?

yes no
29)   Did you ever get into a fight at school?

yes no
30)   * Have you ever been in a car accident?

yes no
31)   * Did you ever think the high school cafeteria had good food?

32)   * Did you ever spend any time in detension?

yes no
33)   * Have you ever been to jail?

yes no
34)   * Have you ever won money in Vegas?

yes no
35)   * Have you ever visted another country?

yes no
36)   * Can you sing the class Alma Mater on que?

yes no
37)   * Have you ever been in a movie?

yes no
38)   * Did you ever really believe that Milli Vanilli was really singing their own songs?

yes no
39)   * Did you ever fall asleep in class?

yes no
40)   * If you could, would you go back and (re)live high school all over again????

  Yes......... If so then why?
  No Way.... If so then why?