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12/08/08 01:14 PM #83    

Lisa Chouteau (Fitzgerald)

It's so quiet here. I hope the holidays are going great for everyone. Don't forget to add photo's of the holidays. Yes Merle, I will add some of myself also. LOL

12/22/08 09:53 AM #84    

Lisa Chouteau (Fitzgerald)

I hope everyone has a great Christmas and a Happy New Year and after the Holidays are over that we all get back to chatting. : )

12/22/08 12:47 PM #85    

Joni Bartley (Marsico)

We had a Nor'easter last night. We got about a foot of snow. John has been working on snowblowing the driveway and cleaning off the roof for about 4 hrs now. My boss called me last night and canceled our day so I didn't have to worry about getting up and going. It's a good thing because I had a drift in front of my garage about 6 feet high at least. I wouldn't have been able to open the door. Anyway, I have been enjoying a quiet restful day snuggled in at home. Love to all and Merry Christmas and Happy 2009. JONI

12/23/08 07:50 AM #86    

Mark Bondeson

Hi Everyone. Have a merry christmas and Happy 2009!!! I do not miss the blizzards some of u r getting!!!


12/24/08 11:45 AM #87    

Lisa Chouteau (Fitzgerald)


12/26/08 08:21 AM #88    

Tammy Cannon (Crabb)

Well I survived the Christmas rush at the store. What a mad house! I figure about 65% of my customers were buying gifts and 35% were looking to get good and plastered after their shopping experience. I, myself sat down after work on Monday and had a few beers to celebrate the completion of my shopping. Turned out to be a bad idea on Tuesday as I wondered around until noon in a fog (I am a bit of a light weight). Anyway one more to go and I can maybe get a day off! I will post photos over the weekend. Planning on going into seclusion over the weekend to rest up for New Years Eve.

12/28/08 02:23 PM #89    

Merle Bragg

Seclusion is a long ago forgotten sentiment here. The New Year will bring major changes around for work and politics. Heaven help us!!

12/28/08 07:15 PM #90    

Joni Bartley (Marsico)


12/29/08 07:47 AM #91    

Tammy Cannon (Crabb)

Well, so much for seclusion. Turned out I ended up working Sunday. I did veg on Saturday though. Went and visited my mom and spent time with my daughter. That was a welcome change. She's moving into her new apartment this weekend. She's very excited. I just hope her boyfriend is up to the responsability. We will see.

01/03/09 01:43 PM #92    

Tammy Cannon (Crabb)

I was able to find Becky's obituary. She passed away on Friday Dec 19th. I was able to log into the message section of the obit and left a condolence message from our class. I am going to try and send flowers to her husband and children from our class.

01/16/09 07:46 AM #93    

Tammy Cannon (Crabb)

Mornings like today, -7, makes me wonder if I am totally insane. With no running water nor electricty in the barn I have to haul out four buckets of water twice a day for the critters. It's quite a haul out to the barn. By the time I finished feeding, watering and cleaning my hands and toes were numb. I believe I am insane. Thank god for the woodstove!

01/30/09 08:09 PM #94    

Joni Bartley (Marsico)

Hi everyone. Everyone has been so quiet. Now that the holidays are over we should be chatting more.
Too bad about the snowmobile club. That has been a county fixture for years.
Hope everyone is doing good and having a good 2009. Honesty, mine didn't get off to a very good start but I'm working to improve that situation.
Haley will be 19 in February, I just can't believe it. Where does the time go?
All take care
Love, JONI

02/07/09 08:43 PM #95    

Tammy Cannon (Crabb)

WOW!! It is quiet here! Things are really quiet at work, both good and bad. I had to cut back hours for my employees which didn't go over really well, but to be fair I am trying to cut mine back as well. I feel so bad for the people coming in depressed because they go laid off. This year is going to be tough on eveyone. Good luck to all of you and your families. I know things will turn around eventually.

02/08/09 01:06 PM #96    

Tracy Tarbox (Strawder)

My end of year & start of the New Year hasn't been so great either. My job of 18 years transferred to Jacksonville, Fl & I turned down a job offer at the new facility there. My daughter is a Junior in H.S. & I didn't want to start her over in a new school when she is so close to graduating. I really didn't want to move either. So, I have been out of work since Aug 08 & it's driving me crazy! You can only paint so many rooms, I'm going stir crazy. I am now taking an Anatomy I class on-line (A Term-speed class) & that is keeping me quite busy. Word is out that my husband's company (Cooper Tire) will also close this year, so everyone please pray for me! Jobs are very scarce now & I'm seriously thinking that maybe I should have taken the job. Wish I could see the future. They say things happen for a reason - I hope things turn around real soon. Other than that, things are going least we have our health. Take care to all!

02/11/09 07:53 AM #97    

Tammy Cannon (Crabb)

Tracy my thoughts are with you. I don't think I would have taken the offer either, for the same reason. There are a lot of companies closong their doors, my son is on pins & needles right now because his company is starting to downsize and he has only been with the company for a year. He said the layoffs so far have been from both ends, those who are new and those who have been with the company for several years. I think things are going to get much worse for all of us. Hopefully the low wont last too long! Good luck Tracy and just try & stay possitive.

03/07/09 09:38 AM #98    

Tracy Tarbox (Strawder)

Thanks Tammy....I may be crazy, but I've decided to go into Nursing if I get accepted. I've already taken Anatomy I & am in Anatomy II now. I took the Nursing entrance exam last week & won't know until April 15th if I get accepted. I'm 42 & finally know what I want to be & all it took was to be laid off after 18 years. Things do happen for a reason....I hope I'm doing the right thing.

Take care & somebody post's like everyone is in hibernation. :)

03/10/09 07:07 AM #99    

Tammy Cannon (Crabb)

Good Luck Tracy! If it is what you want I say run with it! I am actually seriously thinking of going back to school to become a vet tech. I am getting extremely burnt out in the retail area. The tough part is that my boss is my sister-in-laws brother, so family in the long run. He would have a really tough time staying afloat without me.

For the last couple of weeks he has been harping on me that someone is shoplifting and things are disappearing from the store. I have spent hours trying to find out how! I found the thief yesterday on our surveylence files. Turns out it is him!

We transfer stock between two stores. When I handle the transfers I create invoices so I have a record. He just adjusts the inventory manually. For the last three weeks he has forgotten to adjust the numbers. Now we have to reinventory the whole store again! He's very lucky we are friends or I would have at least walked out yesterday, I was very angry with him. Inatead I went home at the end of the day and had a few beers with my hubby and he sweetly let me vent to him.

A lot of our customers think he and I are married. I tell them he's lucky we aren't because I would have to kill him.. LOL He drives me crazy. God bless his wife for dealing with him for 25 years! She's got way more patience than I will ever have.

I have a vet appointment this morning at 10 to get shots and bloodwork done on the three horses so I get to go in to work late. The horses are like kids, they get you time off from time to time! Life is good!

03/11/09 10:37 AM #100    

Tracy Tarbox (Strawder)

Thanks Tammy...I think you would make a great Vet Tech! Go for it! Sounds like you love animals. Good luck with your current job if you decide not appears you have your hands full there. I'll let you know in mid-April if I get accepted or not...crossing my fingers. Take care & keep in touch!

03/25/09 07:37 AM #101    

Tammy Cannon (Crabb)

Well Tracy,
I have found a great program I can take thru Penn Foster that is reasonably priced and will work great with my work schedule. It looks like I have been training for the last 15 years for this move. All jobs I have had in the past have taught me skills I will need to succeed with this course. It is a four semester program that I can do primarily from home at my own pace. So if I get home from work and have the energy I can get to work. I am just trying to iron out the finances to begin with, as well as the two 9 week clinicals I will be required to do. I have to figure out how to squeeze those in with my job. I may have to get a possition in an animal hospital prior to the first one. My boss is not going to be happy, which is the tough part. He is a good friend I will be bailing on. Allan is really excited for me and would love to see me get a career where I can have more time to spend with him. I am excited about this new challenge! Good Luck with your exceptance! I just know you will get in!


03/30/09 10:31 AM #102    

Tracy Tarbox (Strawder)

That's great news! Good luck with your studies, it will pay off sooner than you think. Sounds like you have wonderful support from your husband...your boss will come around when he realizes how much this means to you. I'd worry if the boss didn't care..shows how much you're valued if he doesn't want to lose you! Good Luck!!

03/31/09 02:43 PM #103    

Tracy Tarbox (Strawder)

Hey ya'll...great news! I just received my acceptance letter for the Nursing Program. I'm excited & nervous.

04/05/09 11:52 AM #104    

Bambi Rollins (Isbester)

nice job Tracy---I'm praying for you!! You will do great!!

04/05/09 01:49 PM #105    

Joni Bartley (Marsico)

Congrats Tracy! Good Luck!

Same to you Tammy! You'll both do great, I know it

04/05/09 07:15 PM #106    

Tammy Cannon (Crabb)

CONGRATS TRACY!!! I am so happy for you. I just registered with Penn Foster to take the Vet Tech Courses. I am very excited about my future! Now to let the boss know. Allan is excited for me as are my children. It's going to be great being able to work with animals FINALLY!

04/06/09 07:03 AM #107    

Lisa Chouteau (Fitzgerald)

Congrats Tracy!!

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