25-Year Reunion



To My Fellow Members of the Class of 1984,

                The time has arrived.  I am emailing each of you to provide you with the latest updates to our quickly approaching weekend.  I will follow up with “snail mail” to ensure that those of us who aren’t attached to our computers can be apprised of our events as well (providing I have obtained a mailing address).

                In following our tradition established with our 10th Reunion, we have planned for a three-day event.  While we would love to see all attend all three days, we understand that our daily lives continue and you may not be able to accomplish this feat.  However, let me state that I personally would LOVE to spend all three days with my former brothers and sisters.

                Our week-end will commence on Friday, Aug 14th and will conclude Sunday, Aug 16th.  I have listed out the agenda as it now exists and will attempt to get the word out if it’s modified/altered between now and then.  I can’t wait to see you all.

Your Former Prez



Friday, Aug 14th

                5:30pm, Scott and Jennifer Olson’s residence, 629 Washburn Rd.

Scott and Jennifer have graciously agreed to host our first “informal” gathering at their residence beginning at 5:30pm.  The agenda includes having a bar-b-que, assorted salads, Deep Fried Onion Rings and of course BYOB….careful as a few of us turned in our bad boy hats for cuffs and citations J.  The event is intended as a “Come As You Are”, backyard gathering.  Bright Smiles and Big Hugs are a must bring!!!!  Jennifer has agreed to run a “Pot Luck” list for those wishing to bring something.  Her contact information is (207) 455 8017 or scotty@ainop.com


Saturday, Aug 15th

                7:00pm, Ballroom, The Northeastland Hotel, 436 Main St, PI

This will be our “formal” gathering where we can interact in a sit-down environment, enjoy each others’ company and dance to the memories.  Donnie Theriault has agreed to provide us with music of our HS days and I’m sure that he could be persuaded to throw in a few current tunes as well.  Light fare finger foods will be present and a cash bar will be set up in the Ballroom.  Several of us “Out-a-Staters” will be staying there for the evening and anyone interested in helping decorate ahead of time would be welcomed.  You can contact me directly at (410) 251-8483 (or my parents at (207) 455-4789), or by my email merle.braggjr@us.army.mil .  BRING your cameras as this will definitely be a Picture Event.


Sunday, Aug 16th

                2:00pm, Thomas and Corlene (Corey) Singletary’s NEW Residence, 710 Highmeadow Rd., Perham

Thomas and Corlene have volunteered to host our final get together at their newly “under-construction” log home on the Perham Rd.  As with our 10th Reunion, this will be an event that the children are more than welcome to attend.  Corlene has informed me that there is “Room to Run”.  This will be an Old-Fashion Pig Roast (yes a real pig) and Bonfire (bring your marshmallows).  Who knows if an impromptu pick-up game of something might not happen.  The bonfire will begin as the sun sets to top off what will hopefully be a wonderful week-end. Bring your lawn chairs, bring your kids, and bring your stories. Corlene has agreed to run a “Pot Luck” list for those wishing to bring something.  Her contact information is (207) 455-8046 or css0426@ainop.com .


