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•   Milo Schield  7/29
•   Karen Lyons (Carman)  6/26
•   Karen Schwerin (Simpson)  12/29
•   Gary Swanson  12/8
•   David Farran  2/24
•   John Carstensen  2/10
•   Frank Dieter Meyer  2/9
•   Al Zimmermann  8/12
•   Rosemond Brase  1/10
•   Larry Luloff  8/15
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Arizona
2 live in Colorado
4 live in Florida
2 live in Georgia
1 lives in Indiana
34 live in Iowa
1 lives in Kentucky
1 lives in Missouri
2 live in Nebraska
1 lives in Oregon
1 lives in Rhode Island
1 lives in Texas
1 lives in Vermont
2 live in Virginia
2 live in Washington
4 live in Wisconsin
1 location unknown


•   Larry Luloff  9/23
•   Al Zimmermann  10/2
•   Leola Hoins (Westendorf)  10/3
•   Mary Klaudt (Kisker)  10/10
•   David Farran  10/15



2021 WSR 50+ Reunion: Sept 9-10 (Our 62nd).
Alvin, Deiter (Frank) and I (Milo) will be there Friday night and Sat noon.

2018 WSR 50+ Reunion: Sept 7-8 (Our 60th).
We (13) met in in the back room at Joe's Nighthawk on Friday night Sept 7.  We spent all the money remaining in our class account.  Attendees included the two local organizers: Barbara Long (Quinn) and Marlene Bolton (Kingsley).  Gals attending included Meta Fokkena (Brost),  Marlene Kueker (Buchholz), Karen Schwein (Simpson), and Julie Warneke (Freeman).  Guys attending included Darwin Bunger, Donald Hein, Gary Miller, Lloyd Scharnhorst, Milo Schield,  Howard Simpson and Bruce Weigman. Sharon Chestnut (Nolte) stopped by later to say "Hi". 

Register/Login to the Waverly-Shell Rock 50+ website.  I will be closing this website after this year. 

As of 2017, The following people have not registered on the 50+ website:  Larry Albers, Verla Bartels (Steege), David Bergman, David Bolin, Marlene Bolton (Kingsley), Darwin Bunger, Janet Burns (Nizolek), Don Campbell, Janell Capper (Benker), Sharron Chestnut (Nolte), Pat A. Christophel, Judith Cleveland (Sutherland), Michael Dempsey, Darwin Ellerman, Meta Fokkena (Brost), Mary Hageman (Zeanon), Norbert Hildebrandt, Beverly Hoins (Schaff), Leola Hoins (Westendorf), Gladys Homan (Rief), Don Juhl, Lillian Koleno (Lampson), Marlene Kueker (Buchholz), Barbara Long (Quinn), Larry Luloff, Karen Lyons (Carmen), Lois Max (Obregon), Donna Meyer (Bremer), Dennis Miller, Gary E. Miller, John Neimeyer, Jerry Nissen, JoAnn Noonan (Ellerman), JoAnn Pape (Kay), Larry Petersen, Roger Peterson, Roger Rasmussen, Mary Samsel (Fagan), Lloyd Scharnhorst, Rhoda Schmidt (Braunschweig), Norman Shatzer, Larry Simpson, Vern Soldwisch, Duane Ward, Julie Warneke (Freeman), Jerry Wedemeier, Janet Zahn (Savage) and Al Zimmerman.
Go to:

2017 WSR 50+ Reunion: Sept 8.
Class of '58 had eight registered for the 50+ reunion.   Chuck Austin (didn't make it), Meta Fokkena (Brost), Don Hein, Gary Miller, Lloyd Scharnhorst, Milo Schield, Karen Schwein (Simpson), Howard Simpson and Bruce Weigman.    Sharon Chestnut (Nolte) stopped by to say "Hi".   [The class of '57 had 21 registered; class of '59 had 3 registered]

Class of '57 had a 60th reunion on Friday night party at Bill Freuhling's barn west of Children's home on the west side of Hiway 3 just before CUNA (Lutheran Mutual) Insurance. The class of '57 had a great turnout: over 40 attendees including spouses/friends. 

Our local organizers are thinking about our 60th next year.  We had just 32 classmates attending our 50th.  Maybe we can get 16 next year for our 60th.  Get in touch if you want to help. 

Ruth Albrecht (Rodenbeck), 77, of Clear Lake, died Sunday, March 26, 2017, at the Muse-Norris Hospice Inpatient Unit in Mason City.

2016 WSR 50+ Reunion  Sept 10.  Go to for details.

Penelope Kay Shaw, 76, of Rockford passed away Thursday, July 21, 2016, from complications of Lymphoma.

2015 WSR 50+ Reunion  Sept 12 (2nd Sat after Labor Day).  Go to for details.

Site Closure:   I do plan to close this site.  As of 6/14/2015, 13 classmates have enrolled in 50Plus (same ones as a year ago) which means that 15 of those enrolled on this site but not enrolled in the 50Plus site will be cutoff from classmate news.  Please enroll.    [Milo, website manager]

2014 WSR 50+ Reunion. Sept 13 (2nd Sat after Labor Day). Go to     Check the 2014 Newsletter for Reunion Details.  Register there.   I plan on closing this site at some time in the future. As of 7/26/2014, 13 classmates have enrolled: Chuck, Ruth, Evelyn, John, Don, Dieter, Percy, Milo, Karen, Howard, Gary, Mary and Bruce. 

June 2014:  Milo takes up performing in Sr. R&R ensemble called Alive & Kickin.  The group performs at the Bloomington Center (Minneapolis): 6 shows; full band, fog machine, professional sound, lights, and director.  Audiences of 150-300 per show. $25-$50/seat.  Each performer gives a story.  Milo's AIDs story (audio).  Milo sings Mariah Carey's One Sweet Day (audio) with male chorus.   "Thanks to the WHS choir directors that got me started." 

WSR50+ website:  David Faran (class of 1955) has built a website for the WSR 50+ classmates.  [He decided to use Class Creator after seeing our class website.]  He is asking any classmate that qualifies for the 50+ class reunion to join his website.  His website will handle all the 50+ reunions.  See his annoucement below.   I've joined.  I encourage you to join.   Milo

>  Classmates,   I am asking all of you to contact any classmates that qualify for inclusion in the 50 Plus Reunions and encourage them to join the website.   Some of you are already members whereas some have not yet joined.   If you haven't yet joined: Please go to and look at the website, then follow the directions there to join the site.  Also as I said encourage other to do the same.

>  You are basically the only method of contact I have until the next newsletter goes out next spring.  Wanted to contact more of you at this years reunion but that was a bit of a missed opportunity although I did talk to some there.    Any questions contact me

>   David Farran


Gary Lester Boorom, 73, of Waverly, died Monday, September 23, 2013, at the Waverly Health Center in Waverly.  See "In Memory" for full obituary.

2013 Waverly 50+ Reunion: Sat Sept 14 at The Centre at 1211 4th St. (next to Millers Hardware in the old WallMart). Doors open at 9 AM.  Hosted at 11:30 by class of 1962 for class of 1963.  Annoucement mailed out 7/16.  Please update your mailing address, since the sign-up and advance fees are all handled via USPO mail. Dave Farran is the master list coordinator: PO Box 825, Waverly 50677. 319-352-101,,

Marilyn J. (Brettmann) Schnell, 73, of Janesville, Iowa, died Saturday morning, July 13, 2013, at Denver Sunset Home in Denver, Iowa.   See "In Memory" for full obituary with picture.

Duane Jacob Hess, 73, died on Wednesday, July 20, 2011 at his home in Colo, Iowa.  See "In Memory" for full obituary.

2011 Waverly 50+ Homecoming. Sat Sept 17 at The Centre at 1211 4th St. (next to Millers Hardware). Doors open at 9 AM.  Hosted by class of 1960 for class of 1961.  POST-REUNION UPDATE:   The reunion went well with about 200 members of various classes . Eleven classmates from 1958, eight from 1959, 24 from 1960 and 35 from the honor class of 1961. The oldest class member was from the class of 1929. 


How to send an e-mail to a classmate:  (1) Log in. (2) Go to Member Functions (lower left); Select Message Center; Select Compose Message. (3) Type in last name of contact or select Display All Classmates and select name. (4) Compose e-mail; Press Send.  To keep up on profile changes, check the Profile Updates box. 

Latest updates
7/14/2013: Marilyn Brettman (Schnell) deceased.
7/20/2011: Duane Hess deceased.
4/16/2011: Larry Miller deceased.
12/12/2010: Lynn Moehling (Fobian) deceased.
6/2010: New Kindergarten class picture and pictures from our 51st class reunion.  

Welcome to the Waverly Iowa High School Class Of 1958 web site. 

Dam work in Waverly (Taken 6/20/2011 by Milo)

Congratulations to our most recently married classmate:
Evelyn Boorom Bliss -- married 12/20/08.  


Congratulation to Rose & Duane Hess: their 50th this October.

Congratulations to JoAnn Noonan & Darwin Ellerman, on their recent marriage.

Congratulations to Milo Schield on his recent marriage (3/17/06).  Word is that Milo has never come to class reunions with the same wife.  Milo says he plans to do better with this one.

New: 4th grade class picture in Pics: K-8.  
Who are they?  Put answers in Message Forum.
New: 1957 Waverly Boy Scouts in Pics: 40s-50s.

Try the buttons on the left: See 2008 flood pictures.  Look through our 1958 Go Hawk Annual (check out the special insert at the end).  See your picture in the '57, '56 and '55 Annuals.  Look at our 7th & 8th grade class pictures in Pics: K-12.  Recall our High School teachers and class officers. Help find our missing classmate. Check News/Reunions for the latest news items and pictures of our last two reunions.

For fun, click on the "Show classmates on map" link on the right below the states.

From the links above, select In Memory for our deceased classmates. Check Message Forum periodically.  Select Contact to send the webmaster (Milo) a comment or question.

What did O'Bama say in his 12/7/07 energy speech in Waverly Iowa?  Click here for video.

64% Logged On:  Of 72 surviving classmates, we have addresses for 71, phone # for 61 and e-mail for 44.   Of these 44, 28 have logged on. 

Finally, LOG IN to create your own profile and see the profiles of your classmates. To LOG IN,  (1) Click on the Classmate Profiles link in upper-left corner. (2) Select (click on) your name.  (3) Enter your address and secret password.  You can then access the profiles of those classmates who have updated their profile (gold star).  You can upload your own text and pictures onto your personal page for your classmates to see.  Although all e-mail addresses are hidden, you can go to the bottom of a classmate's profile and send them a message asking them for their e-mail address. 

Who can name this 8th grade teacher with whom most boys fell in love?  Put your answer on the Message Forum.  (Submitted by Deiter Meyer)

This site (ClassCreator) says that all names, addresses and e-mails are confidential and cannot be accessed by search engines. Also, e-mail addresses will not be sold to 3rd parties and will not receive any advertising from ClassCreator.

According to 2008 Reunion Poll, 
93% want to hear from school friends,
80% would like to connect with a friend,
74% would redo high school differently today ,
52% hope to see their teacher,
34% will look at yearbooks before reunion,
29% will buy a new outfit for a reunion,
18% plan to diet before the reunion,and
14% say they might fib (38% say they won't fib)
         about family, marriages, kids or divorce

To upload photos to your classmate profile,
1. Log in
2. Under "Member Functions" on the left side, select (click on) "Edit/Upload Photos."
3. At the top of the "Photo Page", press (click on) "Upload New Photo"
You should get specific directions on uploading on the upload page.
