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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

3 live in Alabama
1 lives in Armed Forces Europe
1 lives in California
1 lives in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
1 lives in Kentucky
1 lives in Louisiana
1 lives in Mississippi
1 lives in North Carolina
1 lives in Oregon
1 lives in Pennsylvania
2 live in South Carolina
64 live in Tennessee
1 lives in Texas
1 lives in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in Kuwait
87 location unknown


•   Demond Turner  5/7
•   Willie Conyers  11/19
•   Twila Taylor (Corbitt)  2/3
•   Pattie Warden  10/22
•   Marchella Quarles (Sanchez)  10/13
•   Melanie Gunn  1/17
•   Jennifer Johnson (Haley)  12/20
•   Richard Rye  8/18
•   George Brown  8/3
•   Michelle Brown (Herbert)  7/29
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Welcome to the Waverly Central High Class of 1991 web site.  I hope that life has treated you well, offered you challenges and allowed you to grow into wonderful people.  Come visit our site to catch up on memories and friendships of the past and present.  Who knows what you will find but you will never know unless you at least look.  Enjoy the site and please contact me should you have any questions about anything you can or cannot find here.

Charlie Rose (Class of 1991 - President)



This is an update about where we are in the planning of the 20 year reunion. We are really in a bind due to the lack of funds and that is pretty much holding us back. What we need is some sort of response as to who will possibly attend. We need to sell some "up front" tickets and book a venue. It would be great to have some ideas as to where the majority would like to have the reunion. We will not do it at JERA this time. We wanted to do something in a different type of setting. The venues range from the County Club to Montgomery Bell to endless possibilities in Nashville. It all depends on the number planning on attending and the maximum dollar figure we want to ask per person. We are in crunch time with this if we actually want to have this or it's looking to be a 21 year affair. Please post ideas! Let us know if you plan on attending and the amount you are willing to pay per person to attent such an event.

Thank you,

WCHS Reunion Committee


Marshall Sanders  9/25
Willie Conyers  9/27
Alex Crowell  10/1
Scot Forrester  10/4
Chad Stanfield  10/9
Angie Pruett (Reeves)  10/12
Jason Bryan  10/14
Bobby Rich  10/15