

         Front of WASH                                                                             Front of WASH



It was built in the Classical Revival style as a "Works Projects Administration" project and opened it's doors in 1937, the year before most of us in the Class of 1956 were born.

It stood vacant until 1989. The Waynesboro Hospital, now a part of Summit Health, purchased the building in 1990 from the Waynesboro School District and has recently announced it's plans to demolish it. The Waynesboro Historical Society has called for a "stay of execution" for the building and has appointed a committee to study the issue.

July 13, 1999 - Demolition began on the southeast corner of the building. Later the same day, the portico over the front entrance was removed. On Friday morning, July 16th workmen for the company doing the demolition discovered that overnight someone had used a chainsaw to cut out the picture of a bulldog from the gymnasium floor. The bulldog had been East's mascot for many years.  

July 26, 1999 - The man who cut the East Bulldog from the gym floor has refinished it and donated it to the Waynesboro Area School District.

July 31, 1999 - Demolition continues on the building. At this stage, all of the Gymnasium is gone.  

Aug. 2, 1999 - The cupola which stands 25 feet high and weighs around 10000 lbs. was removed from the main part of the building. The cupola will be given to the Waynesboro school district.  

Aug. 5, 1999 - Most of the main part of the building has been demolished.  

Aug. 7, 1999 - The auditorium is gone and only a small portion of the main part of the building remains.  

Aug. 10, 1999 - The building is completely gone and the debris is being hauled away as bulldozers are leveling the ground.

The above information was acquired from the Waynesboro High School Class of 1938 web page
