Gone too soon...

No longer with us in body, but never forgotten in spirit...

"To live in hearts we leave behind, is not to die." Thomas Campbell

 "When Someone You Love Becomes a Memory the Memory Becomes a Treasure"

 "I'm Free"

 Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free,
I'm following the path God laid for me,
I took His hand when I heard Him call,
I turned my back and left it all.
 I could not stay another day,
to laugh, to love, to work or play,
tasks left undone must stay that way.
I found that place at the close of day.
If my parting has left a void,
then fill it with remembered joy,
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss
ah yes, these things, I too, miss.
Be not burdened with times of sorrow,
I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow.
My life's been full, I savored much.
Good friends, good times, a loved one's touch.
Perhaps my time seemed all too brief;
don't lengthen it now with undue grief,
lift up your heart and share with me
God wanted me now, He's set me free.
No matter how brief it may seem
Each Life is purposed by God!
May we use our days to accomplish that purpose.
When He welcomes us Home,
May He say, "Well done, thy good and faithful servant."



"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die;"

Ecclesiastes 3:1-2

By Year Deceased Alphabetically

Michael Hess

If you are aware of a Classmate who should be added to this page please let us know.
