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•   Stephanie DiMartino (Craft)  6/16
•   Ken Orlowski  8/11
•   Michael Nicholas  4/25
•   Judith Delaney (Hansen)  8/1
•   Kevin Bergeron  3/22
•   David Fox  6/28
•   Patrick Phelan  2/15
•   James Heaney  8/11
•   Wendy Jeanne Saroli  8/10
•   Debbie Phillips  8/10
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Arizona
4 live in California
2 live in Connecticut
6 live in Florida
5 live in Maryland
2 live in Massachusetts
3 live in New Jersey
56 live in New York
3 live in North Carolina
1 lives in Texas
2 live in Virginia
1 lives in Peru
1 lives in Philippines
111 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

W.T. Clarke High School
Class Of 1991

UPDATE August 12, 2011 - Reunion weekend is here!  We've had a great response and are looking forward to an awesome weekend.

For details of the weekend, check out the "Reunion Details" link to the left.

Here is the general plan for the weekend:

Friday August 12th, 6pm: Tour of Clarke, meet at 5:45PM by Custodial Entrance

Friday August 12th, 8pm: Welcome Happy Hour - Croxley's Ale House in Farmingdale

Saturday August 13th, 7pm-11pm: Reunion Main Event at the Huntington Hilton

Saturday August 13th, 11pm-2am: After Party at FUSE (hotel bar)

Sunday August 14th, 11am-3pm: Family Picnic, Field 3 in Eisenhower Park

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us using the "Contact Us" link in the left menu.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!


Hey guys!  Welcome to the W.T. Clarke High Class Of 1991 20th Reunion web site (can you believe it?!).  Hope this finds you and your family doing well after all these years. 

This site will be the main source of information for our upcoming reunion so please be sure to get the word out.

The reunion is scheduled for August 12-14, 2011, with the "main event" scheduled at the Huntington Hilton in Melville on Saturday, August 13. Other events are planned during the weekend including an informal Friday night Happy Hour and a family picnic on Sunday.  More to follow.

Chris Cavagnaro and Stacey Bailey (Smagala) are heading up the reunion committee.  Tony Wilko is managing the web site.

FIRST TIME VISITORS!  Be sure to find your name in the Classmate Listing in the left menu and click your name to set up your profile.  This will ensure we are able to reach you with future e-mail announcements and contact you if necessary.

If you have any questions, please feel free to use the Contact Us link in the left menu, or post to the User Forums.