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•   Julie Mills (Jolly)  12/27
•   Patricia Wilson (Heggie)  12/25


Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in North Carolina
29 location unknown

MySpace Layouts


 to the

Wilson / McNeil Family 



MySpace Layouts






Hello Family~

Welcome to our very own family website!   I have created this as a way for the family to keep in touch and also highlight our family history.I am a firm believer in keeping up with family heritage and have a huge interest in genealogy.  It is nice to know who, what, where, why and how about the family.   I have been working on my own family tree and genalogy with the help of some of my distant cousins.    I want to have the ability to show my children where they came from on each side of their family.  

In the past few months I have also been heading up the planning of my upcoming high school reunion.   I was fortunate to stumble upon a website that allowed me the ability to create a website specifically for my high school class.  It has been a big motivater in getting classmates interested in attending the reunion.   My fellow web administrators urged the web servers to provide the ablity for us to also create family websites using the same format.  Finally they succombed to the pressure and have given us that ability.    As soon as it was capable I jumped on the bandwagon and started my outline for this site.   I am slowly making improvements and you may see frequent changes.

Some may not know, but my immediate family is very small.  When I married into this family it has take me years to learn faces and names since there are so many -     This website is going to give me an opportunity to get to know eveyone a little bit better and hopefully help me with overcoming my "shyness".     I want this to be an interactive site with everyone.   You have the ability to create your own profile. ( I am willing to assist if you are web/computer challenged).        I welcome any suggestions, ideas, concerns, comments...if you have any please share.

I am providing some information below to answer any questions you may have.    Please let me know if you have any questions or do need help using the site.

I look forward to seeing family interaction within the site.  

God bless everyone!

Julie Mills Jolly


Upcoming Events

If you have any upcoming events to inform the family, please let me know so they can be added to the site.



We need pictures.... If you have any pictures you would like to share I am willing to scan them in and add them to the site.    What a great way to share some memories.