In Memory

Travis Leo Prater, Jr.

Travis Leo Prater, Jr.

Travis Leo Prater Jr. aka “Butch” was first and foremost a man who loved life the most when he was spending time with his family and friends over anything else. Now, for the record, his love for classic cars
(’65 GTO) would very likely be next in line of ‘loves.’ And we can’t forget the New York Yankees too.

Travis came on the scene May 14th 1949 welcomed by his Dad (Travis Sr.) and mom (Patty) born in Pratt, Kansas. His childhood was full of baseball, bike riding and getting into a bit of trouble here and there. He
was a proud 4-year college graduate and first in his family from Wichita State University.

Travis spent 30+ years working for K-Mart and his employment was the reason for his families moves all over the Midwest with pitstops in Missouri, Illinois, Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota with a final landing in
Omaha, Nebraska for the last 30 years. These years brought the rich and awesome friendships he has held closest to his heart. Later in life he expanded his circle of friends to include his Shriner and Masonic Lodge brothers.

After Travis’s retail career he transitioned successfully as an American Family insurance agent. His outgoing, friendly and confident nature and above all pure hard work made for a powerful recipe in his career. And notably his advice that worked in business and life “worst they can say is no.”

Any vacation time (after the rush of the blue light specials of course) was always spent visiting their families in Wichita, Kansas. A summer visit was not complete without seeing his beloved Grandma Prater in Quinton, Oklahoma. Where the simple pleasures of a Wal-Mart trip to the big city was the main highlight and the three home cooked meals he enjoyed on the daily when visiting.

Over the last year, his family had serendipitously started an online journal for him to document various factoids. In Travis’s own words, here are a few of his family’s favorites.: “My relationship with my brother Tom changed dramatically over the years. He started out as a pesky little brother who was always in my business and making trouble. He ended up being my best friend.

Our relationship evolved greatly as we aged and established our own families. We appreciated the need to have a good home setting for our families and both of us were driven to make as good a living as we could to give our wives and children a more comfortable life style. Tom and I talked often about our challenges and coached each other on what we thought were the best approaches to solve a problem. We were good mentors and confidants for each other.” “My parents expected me to be polite and always use good manners. I was taught to meet people by looking them in the eye, shaking their hands, and addressing them as Sir or Ma’am. At the table, you sat up in your chair, kept you elbows off the table and when finished eating you asked permission to leave the table.” This all makes sense as his family famously coined him as “Manner Man.”

The perfect way we can carry on his legacy is to show up for each other. Travis never missed an opportunity to call (not text) his friends several times a week. Most phone calls were answered with “If I were any better, I’d be twins.” Weddings, graduation parties, birthdays, holidays, family reunions; he never missed an opportunity to celebrate milestones. Those closest to him know the ways in which he came to their rescue in the darkest of times. He may have had some unsolicited advice to give, but that did not stop him from doing whatever was needed to take care of his people. Every departure or phone call always ended with “I love you” and if in person, the best bear hug.

Travis loved his parents and brother deeply; his family is very comforted he is with them again. Those that will cherish him and were loved by Travis include his wife of almost 50 years (Kay Lea); His children Michael Prater (Wendy); Brooke Pressler (Jason); Tracy Thelen (Josh); Trent Prater (Marcy) and in his words “the greatest grandchildren in the world”; Sydney, Cole, Sam, Henry, Leo, Vivienne and Theo. He came alive whenever he had the chance to hug, kiss, play or dance taking endless pictures to capture his love for them.!/Obituary

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09/07/21 04:31 AM #1    

Dennis Bowe

I always remember Travis being friendly to everyone. He always had time to talk to anyone.  I feel very lucky to have gotten to know Traivs. He will be missed, Heaven got a very special person. We his friends were very blessed to call him our friend.  Praying for the family. 

Dennis Bowe



09/08/21 08:53 PM #2    

John Howard Davis

Like most people who knew him would say, "He was a friend who had always had a kind word for you and all the time you needed". I really enjoyed talking with him at the West High reunions. Prayers to his family. He will be missed.

09/09/21 03:44 PM #3    

Vinita Anne Serrioz (Stathopoulus)

Travis was always a friendly & thoughtful person. He had that gentle smile & came agross to me as  someone who would do well in his life. He was a nice person to have known. RIP Travis.

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