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•   Colleen Petty (Slate)  9/1
•   L. Robin Slate  2/24
•   John Hill  9/18
•   Susan Cranston (Martin)  9/8
•   Ron Rogers  5/28
•   Joseph Quick (Quick)  11/4
•   Rayman Houghtling  3/9
•   Howard Carnrike  7/21
•   Shirley Fischer (Novak)  7/19
•   Nance Ziemendorf (Weaver)  7/18
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
3 live in Arizona
3 live in California
1 lives in Colorado
9 live in Florida
1 lives in Kansas
1 lives in Michigan
1 lives in Nebraska
66 live in New York
2 live in North Carolina
1 lives in Ohio
1 lives in Pennsylvania
2 live in South Carolina
3 live in Tennessee
3 live in Texas
4 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in Dominican Republic
1 lives in Switzerland
10 location unknown
25 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Welcome to the Class of 1966 website!  Enter your information by clicking on the FIRST TIME VISITOR tab - make any necessary changes - see what your classmates have been doing!!       

Let us know if there are items we should share or folks we can contact.  Classmates are considered missing until they have completed their profile, so your help in locating any we don't have email for would be appreciated.




There is a question in the profile re: military service.   Please check yes or no and provide any information re: your service.   Thanks for your service and for updating your information!

February 12, 2017 - -

Check out the new Photo Galleries - - Classmate Visit and 6th Grade Photos.  Sorry about the sideways photo of Dave Lampman and Ron Rogers - couldn't get it to turn upright???!!  Dave went to visit Ron today.