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•   Delethia Richardson  7/3
•   Jofonda Trapp  5/20
•   Rochelle Brice  3/9
•   India Jones  12/1
•   Amy Thompson (McIntosh)  11/1
•   Edwinda Henderson (James)  10/12
•   James Sanders  9/14
•   Brian Jackson  9/12
•   Tyrone Gibson  9/11
•   Sabrina Samuel (Caldwell)  9/4
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Georgia
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in North Carolina
45 live in South Carolina
2 live in Virginia
80 location unknown


•   Shameika Alston  9/28
•   Cedrick Bush  10/1
•   Amy Thompson (McIntosh)  10/14
•   Santana Davis  10/16


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Welcome to the Fairfield Central High Class Of 2002 web site.  This site was created specifically to keep everyone informed on the happenings as we plan our 10 Year Class Reunion.  The Reunion will be held Friday, July 27th and Saturday, July 28th, 2012

The reunion planning committee is currently brainstorming ideas to bring to the entire class.  This site will include all details and any updates related to our reunion.  Please create your profile and upload any videos or photos that you may have related to our class or your personal lives.  Make sure to check the site often, and take advantage of all the features it has to offer. 

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask anyone on the committee.  We look forward to 2012, and lets work together to make this the best reunion of Fairfield's history!

Reunion Committee Members:

Allison Sabb-Glenn

Ashley Woods-Johnson

Ebony Thompson

Roland Tucker

Sabrina Samuel-Caldwell


Friday, July 27, 2012: 8 PM-10 PM- Meet and Greet (Classmates Only)

Saturday, July 28, 2012: 11 AM-2 PM- Picnic in the Park (Classmates and their families)

8 PM-12 AM- Red Carpet Event (Classmates and 1 guest)

Click on "10 Year Reunion Bash" for Registration and Fee Details 

Thanks to the following classmates who participated in the 1st fund-raiser of the year: 

Sabrina Samuel-Caldwell, Candace Bush, Ashley Woods-Johnson, Roland Tucker, Cedrick Bush, Daniel Hudson, Brandy Caldwell, LaPorsha Hall, Cornelius Moore, Curtis Squirewell, and Allison Sabb-Glenn. We raised enough money to purchase this web site and set aside some for the reunion. Our next fund-raiser will be announced over the coming weeks! Get involved!! We will also be planning a community service event for you to get involved in as well! Stay tuned for details!!!

