Memorial Classmates

Delores Niziolek (Howley)

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07/15/14 01:26 PM #1    

Judi Nussbaumer (Hanna)

Thinking of one of our classmates tonight.  My heart is sadden.

Dee and I shared lockers 3 years at South and in the same homeroom, walked to school together, doubled dated (even brothers) often.  I spent a lot of time at her house.  She had great parents and welcomed me into their home. I spent the evening with her the night before she decided enter the convent.  Dee was a very spiritual women devoted to her catholic upbringing.  She entered the convent on my birthday, August 15, 1964. She spent little over a year deciding that wasn't the path for her, later married having two daughters.  When I decided to become Catholic Dee was my confirmation sponsor and was a bridesmaid in my wedding.  She has been gone awhile however it still hurts thinking about her absences.  Dee, you're never forgotten from my heart and I miss you!   Love Judi 

reposted October 10, 2016

07/17/14 01:45 PM #2    

Danni (Donna) Bozzacco (Romito-Rombokas)

Dee was a very close friend. She stayed over the night before I was married back in 1966 and was one of my bridesmaids. She was my daughter Michelle's godmother and our first little girls spent many an evening playing together while the "adults" played cards. One of the fondest memories  was when Dee visited with me and Michelle's new family in Florida. She holds a special place in my heaert and always will. See you on the other side Dee !

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