Memorial Classmates

Beverly Ward (Viars-Cunningham) VIEW PROFILE

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07/28/14 07:55 AM #1    

Charles Sovick

I knew Beverly and played in the band with her. She was a very studious student and was very focused on what she wanted to accomplish in life. Though no real profile is here describing her after graduation, I know she would have been successful at whatever her endeavors she set her sights on in life.

She had mastered the clairnet and was part of the 1964 South High Band. You learned her accomplished musical talents when we were a concert band after football season.

The death of Beverly at this time saddens me, knowing how close we are to our fifty class reunion. Whether she would have attended is not necessary. May we all remember Beverly as a Warrior that is looking dwon at us enjoy fifty years as the class of 1964!

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