Dennis Perera

Profile Updated: July 5, 2010
Dennis Perera
Residing In: Galva, KS USA
Spouse/Partner: Emma
Occupation: Retired
Children: Step-daughter Staci
Two Granddaughters--Susanne and Sadie Rae

Worked at various radio stations as a DJ in the late 60s early 70s. Returned to McPherson and worked for over 30 years as an independent oil producer, retiring last year.

comments on reservation form:
Retired from oil industry, married to Emma for 14 years. We have one married daughter and 2 beautiful granddaughters, (Susanne and Sadie) who are the apples of my eye. Life is Good!
the comments were whited out and redone by according to note, vastly over worked and underpaid secretary that goofed .... the following comment is from the editor of this website, my guess since she is under paid, it's Emma, & Dennis must be too cheap to hire someone he'd really have to pay.

last comment done by editor ...

Yep, Still overworked and underpaid and Dennis is still retired. Nothing much new to update.

School Story:

The Halloween episode: J Reed Pierce, others and me regarding Mrs. Kohler. Well known story,
