
Lambert Woodhull (Woody) Holloway

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05/23/19 12:22 PM #1    

Priscilla Winton (Sands)

I was very saddened to see the message this morning that Woody had passed on. It brought back lots of happy memories though because Woody was a friend and a fixture around our house when he and Diana were going steady for a very long time in high school! We loved to see that 1957 turquoise Chevy Bel Aire pull up in front of the house, which it did almost every day! I lost track of Woody when we moved to Texas and it was here on this MHS site that he got in touch with D and me a couple years ago. It was so nice to hear from him again. :)  Woody will always be a part of those youthful memories; I will always picture him with that perfectly groomed blond crew cut!  I am sending my very best wishes to all his family and friends who will be missing him now. Very sincerely,  Priscilla

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