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•   Elizabeth "Dawn" Brooks (Bausili)  9/21
•   Sally Dzembo (Schillaci)  9/22
•   Candee Martin ('68 Utica) (Lyons )  9/24
•   Rosemary Rocque (Seabury)  9/24
•   Roberto Wisnivetzky  9/25
•   Debbi Martucci (Johnson)  9/27
•   David McGrath  9/28
•   Susan Peverly  9/28
•   Joseph "Del" Delaney  10/4
•   David Thalmann  10/8
•   Mary Ann Mrochko (Thouin)  10/11
•   Chuck Bubie  10/12
•   Diane Frank (Dow)  10/17


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2023 Class of '68 Awards

I'm pleased to announce the winners of the 2023 THS Class of '68 awards as provided to me by class president David Biggs. Our thanks again to David for continuing to represent our class so well and to everyone who has contributed to this fund over the years. Jim Spain's legacy lives on!

Photos of all the award recipients can be found under the Class of '68 Awards tab.

Following are the remarks by David at this year's ceremony:


Address to the Class of 2023 – Troy High School

David Biggs, Class President

I am pleased to be here and still representing the members of the great Class of
1968. We had an amazing class and we are grateful for the start we received at
Troy High. The awards that I present are our way of giving back to Troy High.

Many of our class members donate to finance our awards program. This year we
will be presenting 3 awards of $1,500 each.

The first award is the Class of 1968 JAMES A. SPAIN MEMORIAL AWARD in memory
of Jim Spain, who conceived and implemented our awards program. It goes to a
student who demonstrates leadership and initiative in school activities, shows good
citizenship through community-related activities, and has demonstrated academic
achievement in science and technology.

This year’s winner will be attending Albany College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences.
The award goes to Adrianna Denio.

Our second award is the CLASS OF 1968 DONNA PALITSCH MEMORIAL AWARD.
It is presented to a student who will attend a state university school, who is
involved in community activities, and who has exhibited school spirit by engaging
in activities such as clubs and sports.

This year's winner will be pursuing studies at the University at Albany. The award
goes to Catherine Wasula.

Our final award is the CLASS OF 1968 DAVID BIGGS ACHIEVEMENT AWARD. This
award recognizes a student who has overcome significant personal obstacles to
achieve success at Troy High.

This year’s winner will be attending Clarkson University. I am proud to make this award to Kelsey Lyons.