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In Memory

Frank Garcia

Frank Garcia attended his last year of school in Central Jr. High as a gentleman, a scholar, and athlete. He had a very competitive spirit in sports, especially in football where he made many friends. During the summer of 1968 while training with the Tiger football team, he also coached the younger Tigers in the summer wrestling program. One late morning during one of wrestling sessions in the North Elementary School cafeteria, he succumbed to a long illness he had been fighting all of his life, but he never let it stop him living the life he wanted to live. His philosophy was, “a spirit afraid of dying never learns to live." And live he did in his 16 young years. Some years later his younger sister, Carmen Garcia, also succumbed to the same illness in a dance in the Armory hall on First Street. Years after this, his younger brother collapsed and died while warming up for a Tiger football game.

Thanks to Art Salas for providing this information.

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09/29/13 12:50 PM #1    

Mary Noriega (Spence)

Frank was a very sweet person.  He was my escort at a Knights of Colombus formal event when I was fifteen.  I will always remember him fondly.

09/29/13 03:23 PM #2    

Arthur Salas

Frank was a close friend and teammate.    We always practice sports even during the off season where we would always push each other.   He had a dream of becoming a big time football player and he probably would had made it.    Yes, Panchito, we miss you and thanks for the memory.   

09/29/13 05:40 PM #3    

Gerald Brantley

So many from our time and place are gone. Vanished as if into thin air.  The light that shone from their eyes forever extinguished. Strong hands, swift feet, forever motionless. Voices forever silenced.

Add the name of Frank Garcia to those who have been summoned into the deep dark night. Never again can we look into the light of his eyes or hear the sound of his voice.

We grieve for him and ourselves.

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