In Memory

Bill Burroughs

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01/31/10 07:25 PM #1    

Charles Asay

I miss Bill. He was killed in an accident when we were at AHS. He was always the latest in fashion, (low pants, duck tail, and a bit "dangerous" but very smart and friendly). I wish I knew him better. Chuck

04/22/10 01:45 PM #2    

Barbara Fruit (McGinnis)

I attended our Jr., Sr. Prom with Bill. He was a lot of fun and a really good dancer.

05/02/10 05:33 PM #3    

Veronica Martinez (Vasquez)

I always thought of Bill Burroughs, and Richard Jaramillo as the "FONSIES' of our class!

05/09/10 08:09 PM #4    

Ann Garretson (Marshall)

You nailed it, Veronica!

The other thing about Bill is that he was decades ahead of his time. He knew how to make his pants sag before it was a fashion statement.

I was shocked when he died so young.

06/02/10 03:07 PM #5    

Duane Roberts

Bill brother(Ray) was married to my sister Theada.I did not know get to know Bill untill I enrolled in AHS. Bill took it on himself to look after me. I soon realized Bill danced to a different tune than most people.Do you remember before a wrestling match the somewhat quiet Bill would shake hands with his opponent turn and throw his classes on the floor--let out a loud scream and attack. I dont believe it scared the enemy but it was fun to watch.Bill asked why I did not wrestle instead of playing basketball.I then told him of my experience with wrestling. The Wrestling coach took my along for a meet. When they stopped for a meal some were eating poached eggs. The Basketball team was eating fried chicken.Now what would you do.Bill told me but look at all the different holds you learn in Wrestling.I questioned what good would that do me..his reply have you ever had a date???It was during Christmas vacation that the true Bill came out.I believe he was invited or invited himself to every party.Of course he brought me along. Now remember I was the country boy and he showed my the bright light of city.He also decided to teach me how to play pool.He gave that up because he could never beat me.If I remember someone from the school came collect the graduation gowns at the pool hall. Bill also had his quiet moments but they did not last long. After graduation late one evening I happen upon Bill and his Prom date(Barbara, I believe he also introduced me to your sister) we talked late into the night. It was the last time I saw Bill...Nothing but good memories..How did he get the nickname Soapy??

06/05/10 08:23 PM #6    

Charles Drabek

I suppose Charles (Chuck) Asay verified the "time" of Bill's untimely death (auto wreck), but I thought it was while he was in college (perhaps his first year) at Colorado School of Mines in Golden.

Chuck Drabek

06/12/10 01:29 PM #7    

David Garcia

Bill "Soapy" Burrows was a terrific student, a great friend and a master team manager/trainer of our great 1960 State Finals Baseball Team which many of you may remember was two innings away from becoming the first AHS team in history to win a state championship. 

Bill's dedication and valuable assistance to Coach Bernie Shaw made it possible to keep all of us in condition and ready to play and compete.

Bill was a big part of the unparralled success of all of our sports teams in 1959/1960.  In the classroom, Bill was top notch.

There is no doubt that Bill would have had a stellar career as an engineer or related field upon his graduation from Colorado Mines. 

I believe all would agree that Bill was one of the best and brightest all-around students ever to graduate from AHS. 

Best Regards to all of Bill's family and huge circle of friends.

David 'Scotty' Garcia



07/13/10 06:27 PM #8    

Sharon Rogers (Rankin)

 I remember when Bill died very distinctly.  It was in 1963.  My husband was overseas in the Air Force and my daughter and I were living at home with my parents. I was the night telephone operator at Mtn Bell so I was, of course, working alone.  I started getting the emergency calls as they started coming in about the accident.  I was soon shocked to hear that he had been killed and the girl with him was seriously injured.  It was a very sad and harrowing experience for me.  Many of you probably knew and remember that I had a terrible crush on Bill that started in junior high and lasted through high school.  So even though we had all moved on it was still a great shock to me when he was killed and especially to be so closely involved as I was at the time.      

07/15/16 11:31 AM #9    

Ann Garretson (Marshall)

I was researching something on the Colorado School of Mines page this week when I was stopped cold in my tracks. Whoa! That looks like Bill Burrows' super preppie twin! Then I looked at the name. It was a tribute photo of Bill Burrows in the 1964 Mines yearbook..

I didn't know he had gone to Mines.


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