In Memory

Michael Byrn - Class Of 1966

Deceased Classmate: Michael Byrn (1966)
Date Deceased: 2004
Cause of Death: heart attact
Classmate City: Corpus Christi
Classmate State: TX
Classmate Country: USA
Survived By:
Son --Paul, NY city Son --Mike, NY city mother--Lena, Corpus Christi brother--Jimmy, San Marcus brother--Larry, Huntsville sister--Marcella, Corpus Christi

Otherwise known as "Red" retired from the service U.S. Coast Guard. Spent 6 years in his beloved Alaska. Came home to Corpus Christi. We did a lot of hunting and fishing together My best friend, my brother Larry

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01/12/11 10:56 PM #1    

Dwight (Dooder) Wolfe (1965)


We shared some good times, fun, and I hold the memories dear, was so saddened to hear of your passing.........Red, your gone but will never be forgotten,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,your old bud, dooder

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