In Memory

Reynaldo Soza - Class Of 1967 VIEW PROFILE

Deceased Classmate: Reynaldo Soza 1967
Date Of Birth: October -7-1948
Date Deceased: January-29-1969
Age at Death: 20
Cause of Death: Hostile fire, Quang Ngai Province, South Vietnam
Classmate City: Alice
Classmate State: TX
Classmate Country: USA

Reynaldo Soza made the ultimate sacrifice for his country in Vietnam as an infantryman with
H Troop, 17th Cavalry, 198th Infantry, Americal Division on January 29, 1969.

Ray attended Saenz Elementary, Memorial Jr. High, and William Adams High School. May we never forget our friend.

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07/13/12 01:16 PM #1    

Hughetta Hodges (Hand) (1967)

Reynaldo's dad worked for Oil Field Equipment Service with my husband's, Dan Hand, dad.  Both Dan and Reynaldo were in Vietnam at the same time.  Mine came home.  We have gotten rubbings of Reynaldo's name on the Wall in DC.  We remember him and his service.  May God bless his family.

07/13/12 05:27 PM #2    

George Torres (1967)

I knew Reynaldo Soza, and as a fellow Veteran, I am proud that such a friend gave the ultimate sacafrice for us. Thank you Rey, and may you rest in peace.

If tonight you lay your head to sleep, in Liberty's cherished breast, spend some time down on your knees at night, and thank God for a Vet.

The work they do, they do by choice, they did not have to serve. Their won life's blood they volunteer, for the call to help they heard.

Our brightest hopes protecting us, they bring comfort and care. We have angelss watching over us, in the uniform they wear.

You willingly give yourself for us, and fight to the bitter end. You remind us that the greatest love, lays down it's life for a friend.

You take the bullet meant for us, put yourself in harm's cruelway. A life like yours is on the line, somewhere each and every day.

We trust our safety to your hand, our home of the free and the brave. And we remember those who paid the price, whose home is now the grave.

If often we forget to say "thank you" and how proud we are of you, perhaps we have grown complacent, in the service that you do.

So when under freedom's cherished skies, the sun tonight will set,before you drift off to peaceful sleep, stop and thank God for a Vet.


03/14/17 09:55 PM #3    

Luis Garcia (1967)

I remember the night before Rey left for Vietnam, it was a Friday or Saturday night a bunch of us guys were at Carlos Chapa's house hanging out. Rey stopped by for a while and had some beers, he was kidding around and told Carlos that he was going to get a Vietcong and stab him with his bayonet and pitch him around in the air, all the time laughing about it. Then he told us something I've never forgotten, " by the time you all get there I'll already have come home ". I met Rey at Memorial, he was a good friend. Rest In Peace my friend.

01/27/23 04:27 PM #4    

Manuel Sonny Saldivar (1967)

Rey was a good friend. We got together the evening before he left for Vietnam. We drove to a friend's house and had a beer with him and some other guys who were hanging out. Rey was in a very sober mood so we didn't stay long. From there we went and sat at Alice Bakery and had coffee till they closed.

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