In Memory

Cynthia Mora - Class Of 1964 VIEW PROFILE

Deceased Classmate:  Cynthia Mora (class of 1964)

Born:  October 16, 1946  /  Died:  October 16, 1997

Married Abdulwahid Hussein Daoud:  July 20, 1968
Cause of Death:  Cancer
Classmate City:  Houston, Texas
Survived By:  2 daughters


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10/14/14 03:37 PM #1    

Bill Shellorne (1964)

Cynthia Lucille Mora

b. 1946 Oct 16
m. 1968 Jul 20 Abdulwahid Hussein Daoud
m. 1994 Oct 15 ... Novo
d. 1997 Oct 16

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