AHS Fallen Heroes

The following alumni gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect the freedoms we have today.

If you have information on alumni who were killed in action or died while serving during WW II, Korean War, Viet Nam War and Persian Gulf War and other Military Operations,  please send us an email for inclusion on this page.

Please share a memory and post to their obituary profile found under the "In Memory" section of our website. 


1945 - Stratford G. Alex - Class of 1939

PFC - U.S. Army - 86th Infantry  03/04/1921 - 02/24/1945

1943 - George D. Allen - Class of 1940

CPR - U. S. Marine Corps  04/04/1922 - 11/28/1943

1942 - Louis A. Almedia - Class of 1936

CAP - U.S. Army Air Force   11/21/1918 - 04/21/1942

1944 - Edward F. Baker Jr. - Class of 1940

PFC - U.S. Army - 82nd Airborne Div    01/26/1924 - 09/28/1944

1945 - Richard E. Benner - Class of 1942

TSGT - U. S. Army Air Force     03/28/1924 - 01/01/1945

1944 - Willard E. Bilheimer - Class of 1936

CPL - U. S. Army     11/21/1918 - 10/31/1944

1945 - Wliliam P. Bird - Class of 1942 

ARm/1 - U. S. Navy   10/02/1922 - 03/27/1945

1943 - Eugene B. Bleiler - Class of 1935

2LT - U. S. Army Air Force   07/22/1917 - 05/07/1943

1944 - John J. Bortz - Class of 1922

CAP - U.S. Army   09/03/1903 - 05/21/1944

1943 - Robert G. Brinker - Class of 1938

CSK - U. S. Navy         09/21/1924 - 10/10/1943

1945 - John T. Brown - Class of 1942

2LT - U.S. Army Air Force    06/01/1924 - 06/23/1945

1944 - Edward R. Clauss - Class of 1939

LT - U.S. Army Air Forces  06/03/1921 - 10/03/1944

1943 - Robert W. Condus - Class of 1940

SSGT - U.S. Army  09/04/1919 - 11/16/1943

1944 - Eugene F. Connaghan - Class of 1939

PFC - U.S. Marine Corps - Co. C -1st Marine Div     08/15/1922-09/25/1944

1943- Carl E. Dannecker - Class of 1935

CPL - U.S. Army Air Force    10/14/1917 - 06/02/1943

1944 - Raymond F. Deily - Class of 1942 

SGT- U.S. Army   10/12/1924 – 12/29/1944

1944 - Robert B. Dixon - Class of 1936

SSGT - U.S. Army     10/25/1918 - 12/04/1944

1945 - Warren C. Dougherty - Class of 1940

SGT - U.S. Army Air Force   09/24/1922 - 05/19/1945

1943 - Robert A. Dreibelbies - Class of 1937

S/SGT - U.S. Army Co. B - 7th Infantry    02/14/1918 - 10/15/1943

1943 - James Lovell Edminster - Class of 1937

CAP - U.S. Army Air Force    03/31/1919 - 10/13/1943

1945 - Louis LeRoy Evans - Class of 1941

ENS - U.S. Navy     1923 - 01/08/1945

1944 - Donald R. Follweiler - Class of 1942

ARm3 - U.S. Navy   05/08/1923 - 11/24/1944

1944 - Nathan T. Folwell - Class of 1936

CAP - U.S. Army Air Force   01/30/1919 - 06/19/1944

1944 - Alfred W. Frankenfield - Class of 1930

CAP - U. S. Navy     12/23/1911 - 06/19/1944

1944 - Arthur L. Freund - Class of 1941 

PFC- U.S. Army Co. E - 331st Inf. - 83rd Div. 12/02/1921 - 08/16/1944 

1944 - Donald P. Fritchman - Class of 1943

CORP - U.S. Army    05/02/195 - 02/02/1944

1945 - Peter G. Genther - Class of 1936

LT - U.S. Army Air Force    6/06/1917 - 09/28/1945

1945 - Bruce M. Gery - Class of 1943

SGT U.S. Army Co. B -44th Inf. 6th Arm. Div  03/28/1924 -01/25/1945

1944 - William Geschl - Class of 1938

Aviation Cadet - U.S. Army Air Corps  08/07/1920 - 03/22/1944

1946 - William H. Givler - Class of 1935

CPM - U. S. Navy    03/22/1916 - 02/27/1946

1944 - George E. Gladis - Class of 1940

PFC - U.S. Army Co. B 82nd Armored Battalion  04/05/1921 - 09/05/1944

1944 - Abraham Goldstein - Class of 1924

PVT - U. S. Army  01/01/1907 - 07/171944

1945 - John R. Goodling - Class of 1938

S/SGT - U.S. Army - Troop Carrier 9th AAF  08/22/1921 - 04/06/1945

1944 - Ralph F. Grumbein - Class of 1943

PFC U.S. Army - 135th AAA BN  09/14/1924 - 12/09/1944

1944 - Carl E. E. Haas - Class of 1940

F/O - U. S. Army Air Force    08/17/1922 - 08/22/1944

1944 - Robert A. Halleman - Class of 1939

PFC - U.S. Army    08/17/1920 - 12/24/1944

1944 - Chauncey J. Hamme - Class of 1939

PFC - U.S. Army - Co. E  119 Inf. Reg. 30th Div.   09/06/1921 - 08/04/1944

1942 - Leroy C. Heintzelmam - Class of 1941

CORP - U. S. Army    09/14/1923 - 09/21/1942

1944 - Edgar C. Heist - Class of 1927

1LT - U.S. Army - Co. D 70th Tank Battalion    07/03/1911 - 12/22/1944

1944 - Robert R. Hildebrand - Class of 1943

SGT - U. S. Army Air Force   08/18/1925 - 12/02/1944

1941 - Lester R. Hiller - Class of 1941

SGT - U.S. Marine Corps   09/29/1922 - 12/04/1944

1943 - Carl R. Holben - Class of 1942

2LT - U. S. Army Air Force   03/12/1922 - 07/24/1943

1945 - Donald S. Holben - Class of 1940

PVT - Army - 53rd Infantry 4th Armored Div.   04/05/1922 - 03/27/1945

1943 - Philip R. Hornbrook Jr. - Class of 1937 

ENS - Navy      05/10/1919 - 07/25/1943

1942 - John G. Hudock - Class of 1936

LT - Royal Canadian Air Force    05/19/1918 -07/29/1942

1944 - Kenneth H. Hunsicker - Class of 1941

PFC-  U.S. Army- Co. D  314th Inf. 79th Div     12/11/ 1921-11/14/1944

1942 - William M. Johnson - Class of 1932

PVT - U. S. Army     01/11/1914 - 04/05/1942

1944 - Howard F. Kearns - Class of 1934     

PVT-  U. S. Army    03/09/1915 - 12/05/1944

1944- William H. Kehm - Class of 1937

PVT - U.S. Army 158th Inf. 3rd Div       04/21/1920 - 02/04/1977

1942 - Francis J. Kern - Class of 1939

PFC - U. S. Army Air Force     12/04/1921 - 09/23/1942

1944 - Robert F. Kistler - Class of 1937 

TEC 5 - U.S. Army - HQ Co. 9th Div.     09/05/1919 - 04/03/1944

1945 - Kenneth I. Knoll - Class of 1939

1LT - U.S. Army   06/03/1921 - 03/24/1945

1942 - F. Edward Knotek - Class of 1939

2LT - U.S. Army  12/29/1918 - 11/19/1942

1945 - Telford C. Kohler - Class of 1936

T/SGT  - U.S. Army   08/15/1918 - 01/15/1945

1944 - Milton C F. Kramer - Class of 1926

MAJ - U.S. Army  11/30/1921 - 10/24/1944

1944 - Paul R. Kuhns - Class of 1936

2LT - U. S. Army Air Force   01/20/1919 - 10/22/1944

1944 - Edward A. Landstrom - Class of 1939

PVT - U. S. Army - Co. F 360th Engr. Reg. 3rd Div.  10/27/1919 - 09/04/1944

1944 - Joseph R. Lawrence - Class of 1935 

LT - U.S. Navy    03/19/1917 - 12/12/1944

1944 - Donald R. Levan - Class of 1942

PFC U.S. Army - 17th Co. 3rd Inf. 5th Div.     03/28/1924 - 03/03/1944

1944 - Franklin J. Lindenmuth - Class of 1941

PFC -  U.S. Army    04/26/1924 - 07/13/1944

1945 - Richard O. Liptock - Class of 1936

SSGT- U.S. Army    11/06/1915 - 04/10/1945                                                                                  

1945 - Stanley R. Litzenberger - Class of 1941

TEC/5 - U.S. Army  03/15/1923 - 04/30/1945

1944 - William L. Lulf - Class of 1937

TSGT - U.S. Army Air Force    06/13/1919 - 10/21/1944

1942 - Franklin D. Masters - Class of 1934

MM1 - U. S. Navy    12/25/1916 - 08/09/1942

1943 - William A. Max - Class of 1937

PVT - U. S. Army - 9th Div.    05/28/1919 - 04/04/1943

1943 - John O. McNally - Class of 1939 

LT - U.S. Army Air Corps   04/15/1920 - 11/26/1943

1944 - Richard P. Morris - Class of 1941

2LT - U.S. Army - 701 BOM SQ   03/28/1924 - 06/21/1944

1943 - Arthur P. Munjone - Class of 1941

PFC -  U.S. Army - 304th Service Squadron   04/30/1924 - 07/03/1943

1945 - Dorothy Mae Nagle - Class of 1938

Y3C - U.S. Navy (WAVES)   09/01/1920 - 12/30/1945

1944 - Harold R. Nelson - Class of 1938

PFC - U.S. Army  05/12/1916 - 07/10/1944

1944 - Victor W. Oswald Jr. - Class of 1938

TEC 5 - U. S. Army - 66th Armored In. Reg. 3rd Armored Div.  01/20/1920 - 08/06/1944

1944 - Leon R. Padus - Class of 1938

PFC - U.S. Army - 331st Infantry Regt. 83rd Div.     09/22/1918 - 12/12/1944

1945 - Archibald "Archie" W. Patterson Jr. - Class of 1939 

SGT - U. S. Army    05/13/1921 - 02/17/1945

1944 - Russell W. Patterson - Class of 1940 

T/SGT - U. S. Army - 67th Squadron 44th Bomb Group    06/12/1922 - 01/29/1944

1943 - Howard L. Peter - Class of 1935

CAPT - U. S. Army    09/17/1917 - 01/28/1943

1944 - Earl R. Peters - Class of 1940

LT - U.S. Army Air Force   12/30/1921 - 04/27/1944

1944 - Henry W. Pfingstl - Class of 1939 

2LT - U.S. Army Air Force   05/02/1922 - 01/21/1944

1943 - Francis J. Phillips - Class of 1937

T/CPL - U.S. Army   01/04/1920 - 08/23/1943 

1945 - Richard S. Rabenold - Class of 1938

PFC - U.S. Army - 36th Armored Infantry Regt.     11/30/1918 - 01/16/1945

1942 - LeRoy R. Rader - Class of 1938 

SEA - Merchant Marine   06/04/1918 - 02/24/1942

1945 - Glenn R. Reichenbach - Class of 1943

TEC/5 - U.S. Army  07/28/1925 - 11/17/1945

1945 - Ralph L. Reider - Class of 1942

PFC - U.S. Army   06/16/1924 - 01/09/1945

1944 - Stephen P. Resser - Class of 1936 

CPL - U. S. Marine Corps  03/26/1919 - 09/17/1944

1942 - Robert H. Riedy - Class of 1939 

LT - Royal Canadian Air Force  11/01/1921 - 03/18/1942

1945 - Richard S. Ritter - Class of 1938 

LT - U.S. Army Air Force  02/14/1921 - 01/15/1945

1944 - Harold R. Rodgers - Class of 1939  

2LT - U.S. Army - 66th Squadron  44th Bomb Group  05/02/1922 - 01/21/1944

1943 - Willis R. Rosenberger - Class of 1934

TSGT - U.S. Army Air Force   09/22/1916 - 06/13/1973

1945 - Joseph A. Sassaman Jr.  Class of 1940

 SGT - U.S. Army  07/23/1922 - 05/25/1945

1945 - Luther R. Schaeffer - Class of 1937

PVT - U. S. Army - Co. M  331th Infantry Regent     04/17/1918 - 01/31/1945

1944 - Paul R. Schaeffer - Class of 1923

PFC  - U.S. Army - Co. M  142nd Inf. 26th Div.   10/07/1924 - 02/11/1944

1944 - Ray A. Shingler - Class of 1942

PVT - U. S. Army - 22nd Inf. Reg. 4th Div.    06/22/1924 - 07/30/1944

1945 - Roland W. Snyder - Class of 1943

EM3 - U.S. Navy   04/27/1926 - 10/09/1945

1945 - Charles E. Steinson - Class of 1934

TEC/5 - U. S. Army    07/31/1916 - 01/12/1945

1945 - Owen A. Sterner - Class of 1928

 PVT - U.S. Army    02/1910 - 01/04/1945

1944 - Edward T. Walker - Class of 1937 

PFC - U.S. Army - Co. B  750th PR Battalion    11/26/1919 - 12/08/1944

1945 - Joseph B. Walker III - Class of 1939

2LT - U.S. Army - 05/15/ 1921 - 02/19/1945

1943 - Frederick A. Weibel Jr. - Class of 1933

1LT - U.S. Army Air Forces     09/02/1916 - 10/24/1943

1945 - Clyde W. Whispell - Class of 1942

PVT/ATC - U.S. Army Air Forces  12/16/1924 - 04/21/1945

1944 - Henry J. Winkler - Class of 1941

SGT - U.S. Army Air Forces     07/29/1923 - 10/04/1944


Korean War

1950 - John P. Harrich - Class of 1949

PFC - U. S. Army - 5th Regiment    10/23/1931 - 09/16/1950

1950 - Charles C. Keiser - Class of 1950 -

PVT - U. S. Army - 8th Regiment - 1 CAV DIV   03/02/1932 - 10/10/1950

1950 - Randolph W. Weller Jr. - Class of 1949

CPL HQ Co. 23rd Infantry Regiment - U.S. Army               05/16/1931 -11/26/1950

1952 - Albertus T. Kleintop Jr. - Class of 1947

SGT Com H - 1st Regiment  U. S. Marines Corps - 08/27/1929 - 04/06/1952

1953 - Robert G. Scheirer - Class of 1946

      CPL - 15th Infantry Regiment - U.S. Army                   05/27/1928-06/11/1953

1953 - Miles C. Van Doren - Class of 1943

                           1st Lt.- U.S. Air Force                                 09/27/1925 - 06/09/1953


Vietnam War

1965 - Robert Lee Hirst  - Class of 1958

                                                                                               Army SP4-E4    06/07/1940 - 11/17/1965

Panel 03E - Line 79

1968 - David Thomas Barnes - Class of 1964  

Army SP4-E4    04/03/1947 - 04/28/1968

Panel 52E - Line 33

1967 - Wilbur Thomas Stair - Class of 1947

Air Force- MAJ - O4    03/20/1929 - 01/25/1967

Panel 14E - Line 77

1967 - Gordon Edward Stoudt - Class of 1965

Marine Corps - LCPL - E3    07/15/1947 - 04/30/1967

Panel 19E - Line 1

1967 - Thomas William Fisher -Class of 1965

Marine Corps - LCPL -E3   12/21/1946 - 09/04/1967

Panel 25E - Line 99

1968 James Robert Bruder - Class of 1967

Marine Corps - LCPL - E3    02/28/1949 - 02/25/1968

Panel 41E - Line 17

1969 Edward M. Holtzman - Class of 1967

SP4 - U. S. Army 06/08/1948 - 02/11/1969

Panel 32W - Line 13

1969 - Jeffrey Clayton Barthol - Class of 1967 

Marine Corps - LCPL - E3  11/17/1949 - 03/04/1969

Panel 30W - Line 35

1969 - John Arnold Quinn - Class of 1958 

Air Force -MAJ-O4  08/29/1940 - 10/02/1969

Panel 17W - Line 31

Other Military Operations


1954 - Thomas H. Anderson Jr. - Class of 1948

U.S. Air Force - First Lt. 12/20/1930 - 10/26/1954

1963 - Anthony A. Rushetski - Class of 1958

U. S. Navy - Petty Officer 2nd Class  04/06/1940 - 04/10/1963

1973 - Richard E. Urban - Class of 1972

U. S. Navy - Airman Apprentice  04/12/1954 - 04/15/1973                                            

1982 - Douglas L. Beck - Class of 1965

U. S. Navy - T.T. First Class  01/20/1947 - 12/11/1982

1982 - Wade P. Davis - Class of 1979

U. S. Navy - Petty Officer 3rd Class  05/06/1960 - 05/24/1982