In Memory

Carol Pilger

I remember Carol well. We went to Thomas Jefferson together. She was a pretty, petite girl with blonde hair. She was sweet and shy. We were in the same Girl Scout troop. 

She came to some of the birthday and slumber parties we girls had, but even at that early of an age, I remember that she was ill. She had special medication that she had to take. 

I'm not sure how old she was when she passed away, but it was way, way too soon. She has been remembered fondly in the hearts of her school friends every since. 

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11/08/15 05:44 PM #1    

Christina Godfrey (Wooff)

Carol passed away while we were still in high school.  She was in my home economics class.  We bacome good friends.  I remember her obituary was in the Alton Telegraph.  She had cystic fibrosis.  As a nurse, I can rmemeber some of the symptoms she had. She was a very sweet girl.  Very shy and very quiet. 

11/09/15 09:41 PM #2    

Laurie Parmley

Carol and her family lived in Lakeside Subdivsion where I lived.  She had a younger brother Donnie (I think) that also had the same disease.  I belieive he died also.  Both sweet kids, super shy (Donnie not so much), friendly but stayed pretty close to home.  I remember  Donnie coming out to play but not so much with Carol.  Gone long before there time. 

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