In Memory

Dorothy Sharon Chapman (Clinton)

Dorothy Sharon Chapman (Clinton)



   Sharon (Chapman) Clinton  



          Dorothy Sharon (Chapman) Clinton, who used the name Sharon thoughout her life, died of cancer in TX on Novemer 4, 1999. Her Soc. Sec. record shows her last residence as Houston, TX; but a surviving brother believes she died in Dallas. 

          Sharon was born February 4, 1942 in St. Louis to Dorothy (Gibson) Chapman and the late Clark Eldon Chapman, who served in the U.S. Army and died in WWII. Her mother remarried Warren Rook, and the family lived in Alton.

          Sharon married Dick Tyler while still in high school. She had three children from this marriage: Cindy Chenet, Rick, and Robbie Tyler, all of Arlington TX. Her second marriage was to Robert Clinton.

          Sharon lived and worked in Houston TX, supervising and managing a doctor’s office.

          She is survived by her three children; her mother, Dorothy Bloom and her brother, Douglas Chapman of Banning CA; and a half-sister, Susan Mullins of Burbank, CA; as well as other family and friends.




[Assistance in obtaining this information came from Jo Ann Goodwin Huntsman, Douglas Chapman, and the Soc. Sec. Death Index. mhl]


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03/24/10 09:39 AM #1    

Jo Anne Goodwin (Huntsman)

Sharon was a good friend of mine back in grade school and at East Junior High. I would go to her church a lot. It
was the Brown Street Baptist Church. She quit school in
high school and got married. She moved to Texas and I lost tract of her. Sorry to learn she is deceased.
Rest In Peace dear friend.

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