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Registered for 50 year reunion

Final List of Reunion Attendees:

Jean Boedeker Anderson and Tom Anderson

Jerry Apple

LeRoi Armstead

Steve Bacus and Marty Bacus

Josh Bank

Norma Baron

Dave Bartlett

Renee Lumpkin Beard

Barb Drew Belshe

Kate Bemis

Becky Bierbaum

Claire Judy Bonnema and Mike Bonnema

Larry Bosaw and Mary Bosaw

Malaya "Wookie" Brown Branch

Jim Bridges and Peggy Bridges

Ronald Bristow

Michael Bruce

Cindy Osburn Brunaugh and Joe Kemp

Ronald Bude

Wilson Burdorff and Karen Burdorff

Rosemary Madison Carter

Linda McNellly Champlin and Clinton Champlin

Kenneth Christopher and Linda Mortland

Gail Hutchinson Clarkson

Joyce Clowers

Florence Hammet Cohen and Neal Cohen

Terry Cown

Greg Cox and Bonnie Cox

Gail Graham Crader and Rod Crader

Randy Crammond

William Cunningham and Melanie Cunningham

John Darr and Linda Darr

Marcia Farmer Day

Jeanette Ruebling Deeder and Don Deeder

Susie Paris Delano and Fred Delano

Janice Vogelsang Dorsey

Greg Dunnagan and Diane Hutchens

Steve Edwards

Johnny Elliott

Yvonne Elmendorf

Steve Fields

Mary Macbeth Flamini

Richard Freeman

Valerie Martin Freeman

Celia Roderfeld Full

Joe Gaither and Sharon Gaither

Paulette Russell Gallas and Ron Gallas

Susan Nickel Gibbs and Jeff Gibbs

Francine Brooks Goodrich and Butch Goodrich

Shelly Caldwell Green

Mildred "Millie" Golley Henderson

Earnest Henderson and Joyce Jackson

Linda Ealey Henry

Barb Parker Hightower and Ed Hightower

Josephine Armstead Hodges and William Anderson

Monty Holliday

Debbie Stauffer Hubbard

Vickie Staats Hulett and Tom Baxter

Linda Streicher Ingram

Jacque Jacoby

Danny Johns and Carol Johns

Oneita  Samuels Johnson

Ilene Nekola Jones and Jack Jones

Suzy Taul Jones and Tom Jones

Gaye Hamilton Julian and Barry Jullian

Jack Justice and Sandy Shaw

Mable Brown Kinder

Sue Garner Kinsella and Bill Kinsella

Carol Townsley Kinser

Norma Ryan Klein and Ron Klein

Denny Krepel and Marsha Krepel

Linda Roper Kuhrt and Fred Kuhrt

Rose Marie Lammers Bierbaum and Fred Lammers

Mark Landiss

Lynn Zitzman Laughlin

Martha Kinsella Leese

Terry Leonard

Nancee Magilson

Denise Walkington Malone

Georgia Searles Maneke

Pam Moehle Marko and Mike Marko

Mike Mathus and Jeanne Truckey

Suzy Block McAfoos

Russ McClintock and Neeta McClintock

Cindy Bechtold McCormick and Jim McCormick

Sharon Snyder McGibany and Jimmy McGibany

Juanita Lutz McFall and Jim McFall

Irene Beach McLaughlin and Pat McLaughlin

Brian McMahon and Kass Tindall

Stanley Meeks and Stacy Meeks

Doug Mendenhall

Stephanie Venardos Mendenhall

Rosemary Rolla Mikoff and Roscoe Mikoff

Rick Monical and Susan Monical

Michael Morgan and Linda Morgan

Michael Murrie

Phyllis Novitskie

Renee Steele Pellegrino and Joe Pellegrino

Glenda Nuzum Pelot

Bob Perica

Ken Pugh and Dora Pugh

Allen Radcliff and Debbie Radcliff

Kathryn Ballinger Randall

Mary Jane Renken

Marie Loraine Reyne and Tom Reyne

Lenny Richey

Kenny Roderfeld and Shirley Roderfeld

Cheryl Wolff Rossfeld

Susan Ashlock Rothe and Gary Rothe

Barbara Osborn Russell and Bill Russell

Mark Schmidt

Al Schoene and Lydia Schoene

Connie Ewing Schuetz

Candy Scott Scott

John Scott

Tim Seago

Joe Sharp, Jr.

Bill Sherwood and Joan Sherwood

Karen Snyder

Marcia Oulson Springman

Jerry Starkey

Anita Sheppard Starkey

Kim Stecher

Lynn Roglis Stewart

Arlin Strader

Marty Rhoads Streeper and Mike Streeper

Karen Peters Sutton and Dennis Sutton

Kaye Shearburn Sutton

Don Sutton

Edward Tate

Dennis Taylor and Sara Taylor

Betty Jenkins Tester and Eric Lucas

Bill Thompson and Barbara Thompson

Tony Vambaketes and Peggy Vambaketes

Becky Barnard Vaudrin and Penny Vaudrin

Gail Ringering Wahl and Kelly Wahl

Ruth Walker and Jerome Sanlin

Anita Marshall Walker

Dan Wallace

Oscar Wallace

Jeanie Webb

Peggy Crane Weber and Mike Weber

Donna Cochran Welch and Dennis Welch

John Welsh

Karen Sutton Welsh

Don Weule and Debbie Weule

Becky Carson Whiteside and Jim Whiteside

John Whittington

Jon "Spider" Wilson

Mardell Fischer Witcher and Daniel Witcher

Bonnie Raymer Woodie

Tim Yinger and Charlotte Yinger

Dean Yoder and Margie Yoder

Carl Zeidler and Cynda Zeidler



