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In Memory

Steven Bramstedt

Alton Sr High School
Class Of 1969

Deceased Classmate: Steven Bramstedt
Date Deceased: May-8-1973
Age at Death: 21
Cause of Death: Plane crash
Classmate City: Waukegan
Classmate State: IL
Classmate Country: USA
Survived By: parents, Karl and Christine Bramstedt, brothers Mark and Timothy all of Alton

Steven Karl Bramstedt Born June 26, 1951 Evansville, IN. Died May 8, 1973 Indianapolis, IN. Killed in a plane crash on May 8 while on leave while still on active duty in the U.S. Navy, stationed at Waukegan, IL. Steve had a great passion for music. He served his country honorably and is greatly missed by his family.

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03/13/09 11:12 PM #1    

Glenn D. Walters

Steve was a good friend and a really nice guy. He visited in Milwaukee and in University City. He knew how to keep a friend.
We had the best time going out on Sundays and picking a church to attend. We never knew which church it would be or what town. It was great to share those days with him.

04/25/09 12:37 AM #2    

Michael Murrie

Steve was a good friend from the time were were four years old. Our parents were friends at SIU and fathers were teaching colleagues. I still remember his friendship and faith.

05/13/09 07:05 PM #3    

Kathy Korilko (Grapperhaus)

Steve had a deep love for Christ, and expressed that love through the music that he wrote. With the permission of his mother, I would like to share the lyrics one of his songs, in part, as a poem:

Thank You, Lord

Father, just now I want to sing to you,
And praise you for your mighty acts
and all those things you do.
Oh, I thank you. God, I thank you!

Oh, how could I ever make it on my own?
I know that I am helpless,
But I don't walk alone,
I don't walk alone.

Jesus walks beside me,
and makes Himself known;
And guides me up the pathway
to my forever Home.
To my forever Home.

In the midst of my darkness,
on the brink of my despair,
I had no light to guide me,
And I stumbled everywhere.
I stumbled everywhere.

But then the Savior called me,
and He took me in His care;
And now I'm walking in the light,
and Jesus shines so fair.
Jesus shines so fair.

08/26/09 01:51 PM #4    

John W. Darr

Steven was a great friend and a wonderful brother in Christ. His untimely death was a shock to me. I became a follower of Jesus at the same time that Steve was beginning his ministry as a chaplain's assistant. It was a beautiful point in my life when a lot of my friends were actively serving the Lord. Knowing Jesus and serving Him was the main thing on our minds and hearts. Steven's life was a great inspiration to many. One wonders why things happen the way they do. Steven was doing the Lord's work and I am certain that we will meet again someday soon. I hope to sit next to him at the Lord's table an share all the good times we had.

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