In Memory

James Alan Casper

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06/08/20 01:50 PM #1    

Paul Thomas Foster

Remember his home on Main Street and later on Monterey Place. Lost track of him after 1963 when we had some conversations about the car I raced at Alton Dragway. Certainly remember his dad as principal of Horace Mann Elementary--let us listen to World Series over P.A.! Glad to learn than he had a distinguished career in law enforcement. Condolences to his family.  RIP.  

06/10/20 12:52 AM #2    

Bob (John Robert) McBrien

Casper and I were part of the Upper Alton bunch from grade school at Horace Mann through AHS. We survived seemingly endless pick-up games of football, especially on Edwards Street, and basketball games at Barton’s where we managed to break Jim’s arm one afternoon. I don’t know if anyone imagined how many of our bunch would end up in law enforcement. Bad Boys! Casper and I once staged a mock fight at Block’s where he shot me with a starter’s gun. We were ejected and banned for a couple of days. Good times! Jim and I touched base only a few times over the past 50 years. Distance does that. But I kept hearing about what a great cop he was. That’s a good life: we played our games; we fought the bad guys; and Jim stood The Watch. RIP, old friend.


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