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Created on: 03/02/11 11:20 AM Views: 2157 Replies: 8
Posted Wednesday, March 2, 2011 06:20 AM

As I talk to classmates about the upcoming reunion, I get varied responses. Many are interested in seeing old friends again, and they are definitely planning to attend.

Some, however, have stated that they were never "a part of the crowd" at AAHS, and therefore, they do NOT plan to attend.  If this observation sounds like you, please read and consider the following thoughts on the matter.

1,004 kids graduated in 1971. There wasn't "one crowd" to be part of. The class was just too large for that. Rather, there were many small groups that knew each other and hung around together.  I challenge you to consider who comprised your group (maybe you were in several!)


Off the top of my head, I can think of the following natural groups with which you might have been associated:

school band

school sports

school clubs

majorettes/cheerleaders/color guard

other people from your neighborhood

other people from your Jr. High or elementary school

associations in non-school activities (community sports, musicians, church etc)

post HS common bonds, such as military service, employment, college, politics etc

association by marriage


the list goes on and on.  Bottom line is that our class is the perfect example of the slogan E PLURIBUS UNUM  (out of many, ONE!)

Whether you ever bonded with EVERYBODY (and I assure you that NOBODY did) you certainly have at least a few friendships from the class of 71 that are worth setting aside one day to reconnect.

I hope that everybody takes time to remember the small groups that were our friends in school, and make an effort to contact them about the reunion.

Posted Monday, March 7, 2011 09:00 AM

Agrees with everything Patrick says...

Posted Tuesday, March 8, 2011 06:02 AM

Skip! What an agreeable guy you are!

It's very appropriate that you of all people replied to this post, because you add one one more small group to the list: People we didn't know at all in high school, but who we have gotten to know in various rioundabout ways since then. 

Though I didn't know you in school, I now know you through this site you created, and through Jocelyn Sullivan's facebook reunion forum. I have found you to be a very likeable guy with a good sense of humor . You are one of the people I hope to see at the reunion.

 By the way... thanks for all the work you put into this site... I feel sure that the effort you have made here to reconnect people will make this reunion one of the best.

Edited 03/08/11 06:04 AM
Posted Friday, April 15, 2011 06:50 PM

Pat & Skip, Ray Fochler here. How are you two doing? Long time no see... 

I agree with what the two of you have said. I never belonged a click in High School and didnt really care. Never missed anthing either. 

It's 40yrs now and I think it will be fantastic to see some of our class mates that I hav'nt seen since graduating. If you classmates are reading this, think about this. We are now in our late 50's and we are the "old people". Hopefully everyone has grown up now and it dosent matter what happened in 1971, How much longer are we going to be able to have our reunions. Hell, If you were'nt in a click, so what. Maybe now is the time to see what each person has become or not become. It dosent matter. Were adults now and we are a part of the Class of 1971. This was definately a class to remember. We  were the first for alot of stuff that could never happen in school's today. Just sit back and think and you'll remember!!!!!!!

So who know's, You may find some new friends that you had in High School and have just forgotten them.

I have only been to one our reunion's and I had a great time.  Life is to short and before you know you may look back and think, Wow, I wish I would have gone to one of our reunion. Sounds corny but I glad were having this reunion. It should be fun and looking to see everyone that can make it.

Great comments Pat and Skip

Ray Fochler

Edited 04/15/11 06:58 PM
Posted Monday, April 18, 2011 10:29 PM

Hi Ray,

Glad you joined and took the time to read some of the content.

It's been a long time - I've not been to Altoona since my Mother died 11 years ago, so I was definitely out of the loop, so to speak. I encountered some classmates via Facebook, and was just amazed by the number of people interested in re-connecting; more than a few of them I didn;t know back then.

Very glad to see you've done well... that seems to be pretty much the norm with the folks who are connectedvia the various pages/sites, but it's still very good news.

See you in August...

Skip (Al) Guyer


BTW - my body may be 57, but my mind is still early 30s (I hope).




Posted Monday, April 25, 2011 10:04 AM

Hey guys!

Nice site Skip!  Thanks for all the work.

It's hard to believe it's been 40 years.  I was never in any of the 'clicks' back in school, and never felt a desire to attend a reunion.  But, this year could be different.

Posted Thursday, April 28, 2011 11:38 AM

 I don't like you guys being left alone on this site.....that would spell trouble.  I know what you all are capable of!   I loved high school and still have the best memories.  I lived for all the dances and would like to connect with everyone that used to be regulars....Ray, that includes you!  Judy Bilka, Pam Tanneyhill, Becky Shafer, John Kutz, and so many others.  I spent a lot of time at the skating rink but can't remember if that was only Jr. High or was it high school, too. Barry, you were there as well, if my memory is correct.

I hope I'll make it to the reunion.  My schedule is very complicated this summer, but I'm trying to work it all out.  

One observation I will make looking back at all our photos.  There weren't too many of us over weight and seriously, we were a pretty cute group!  IMO.

Hugs to ya'll!  


Posted Saturday, April 30, 2011 05:32 AM

Lyn and Barry (and Patrick), hope you can make it to the reunion.

I haven't been to Altoona since my mother died, and I'm feeling my age and mortality, I guess.

I've only been in touch with family since the 20th reunion, nobody from the class of 71. Since my daughters talked me into joining facebook a year ago, I've been in touch with quite a few classmates, only a few of whom I actually knew in high school. It's been a very cool experience, "meeting folks for the first time again", so to speak. I "knew of" many of them, but was truly friendly with only a few.

And most of them now decry the cliques of our time...

The really cool thing is discovering that few of us are the same people we were back then (fortunately, speaking only for myself. Maybe I grew up a bit; I certainly have learned a bit over the years). It seems to me that most have turned out to be very, very reasonable and mostly very successful people (success not being defined by financial criteria).

And when I browse a classmates' profiles here, I see the same thing - by and large, we "done good".

Hope to meet you "for the first time again" in August.


Posted Friday, July 22, 2011 10:42 PM



I am soooooo bumbed!!!   I really did plan on attending the reunion, however, I begin the clinicals for my last year on the Monday after the reunion.  And a wedding I am comitted to on Saturday.  I hope all of my fellow classmates enjoy their visits.  Keep us posted on the fun, please.


Vicki Otto-Schultz

