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08/29/22 01:29 PM #9    


Rocco Alianiello (Alianiello)

Greeting Classmates,

    I hope this finds everyone doing well and enjoying all the blessings in our lives. Not everyday is perfect and sometimes life throws a fastball or a curve. If you're struggling , you have our thoughts and prayers for peace in your life. I recently had a conversation with a friend who was struggling with health issues and felt helpless that I couldn't do anything to fix it or help. But then realizing, my friend didn't expect me to be a miracle worker, only to be a friend and listen and talk. Be that shoulder to lean on or that listening ear or that person that cares enough to take time and BE THERE. That could be the miracle that someone is looking for.  

   As promised, here is the next list of classmates who are not registered on our website and not getting e-mails. We have had many classmates register from the initial list that was sent. If you know anyone on this list, reach out and ask them to register or get their e-mail address and send it to me and I will set them up. Our goal as a class is to get as many classmates informed about our class events and let them make the choice to attend or not, but at least they all know about the events.

Vesta Bragonier (Black) 
Joan Breinich (Sweeney) 
Helen V. Brennan (Brennan) 
Deborah Brode (Seilhamer) 
Bradford W. Brokaw (Brokaw) 
Beth Brooks (Solensky) 
Ruth A. Brooks Vaughn (Brooks Vaughn) 
Deborah A. Brown (Brown) 
Teresa Priscilla Brown (Paqueletbro) 
Michael L. Brozgal (Brozgal) 
Kathryn E. Brubaker (Brubaker) 
Paula Brubaker (Green) 
Catherine Bulsok (Hocherl) 
Stephen D. Burd (Burd) 
Maryann Burget (Shea) 
Deborah A. Burket (Burket) 
Lee Burket (Burket) 
Matthew W. Burns (Burns) 
Vincent A. Burr (Burr) 
William C. Bush (Bush) 
Richard C. Butterbaugh (Butterbaugh) 
David L. Butterworth (Butterworth) 
Richard Butterworth (Butterworth) 
Stephen J. Byrne (Byrne) 
Caressa A. Campbell (Campbell) 
Larry A. Campbell (Campbell) 
Mark P. Campbell (Campbell) 
Conan P. Canole (Canole) 
Cindy M. Carothers (Carothers) 
Clint A. Carothers (Carothers) 
Deborah A. Carter (McNitt) 
Melvin L. (Chip) Cashman (Cashman) 
Judy Cataldo (Cataldo) 
James W. Cerully (Cerully) 
Sophia C. Chan (Yeung) 
Victoria Chestney (Noel) 
Jack L. Chilcote (Chilcote) 
Anthony A. Chwatek (Chwatek) 
Sharon Lee Claar (Leo) 
Robert E. Clapper (Clapper) 
Mary Ann Clari (Clari) 
James D. Clark (Clark) 
Cynthia L. Cohen (Cohen) 
Kevin P. Coho (Coho) 
Darlene Cokrlic (Gentsch) 
Stephen C. Coldwell (Coldwell) 
Michael J. Colombo (Colombo) 
Lucinda A. Colpetzer (Colpetzer) 
Jayne F. Condron (Holland) 
Randall P. Connelly (Connelly) 
Michael Ray Conner (Conner) 
Christopher P. Conroy (Conroy) 
Karen Lee Conte (Conte) 
Carol Cover (Rowles) 
Sherry C. Cowart (Ellis) 
Charles M. Crider (Crider) 
Bonnie Crotsley (Socie) 
Matthew J. Crowley (Crowley) 
Melody Crust (Hewitt) 
Susan A. Cuff (Cuff) 

     Good luck and THANK YOU to many classmates that are staying active and reaching out to classmates on these lists.

    Until next time, my friends.

10/17/22 02:43 PM #10    


Rocco Alianiello (Alianiello)

Greeting Classmates,

          I hope this finds everyone doing well and probably still rubbing their eyes in disbelief that our Steelers actually beat Tom Brady and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers by the Steelers offense RUNNING OUT THE CLOCK!!!!!!! Congratulations to the Steelers and NEVER count them out.

Well, this Wednesday October 19th at 9:00am is our next Class of 1975 Breakfast Gathering at Denny's. We have been enjoying our get togethers with a loyal following of "regulars". Now I know there are many of you reading this that say "I'm going to go to that Gathering one of these days" . Wednesday should be "one of these days"!!!!!!!! No time like the present, what are you waiting for........ make the effort and be the next "first timer" to attend an event...... be a trend setter, a leader, a rebel, a renegade........ whatever you want to be, just join your classmates for a breakfast, no catches, except a good morning spent in great conversation. You'll be pleasantly surprised how much we've all grown up over the last 50 (almost) years, except John Gallace, he still looks like a youngster.

Until next time (maybe Wednesday) my friends, remember, NEVER pass a childs Lemonade stand without stopping and buying one (leave a nice tip)......... that is a lifetime memory for that child.

11/24/22 12:52 PM #11    


Rocco Alianiello (Alianiello)

Greeting Classmates,

        I hope this finds everyone doing well and preparing to indulge in the Thanksgiving Tradition of feasting together with friends and family. HAPPY THANKGIVING to all. We've all been told and heard of the reason for this Holiday which has its roots in coming together and sharing in the gratitudes that life has offered to all of us, with the oldest traditions of "breaking bread" together. Theres something about sharing a meal that seems to break down any barriers or past indifferences that might exist. On this Thanksgiving Day, I am grateful, certainly for family and the many blessings, but also for the friendships that have been made during my life, long standing and re-kindled friendships. Cherish and nurture both so they continue and strengthen.They add to the quality of our remaining years. As we've seen too often, when we lose a friend, family member, classmate, etc., it takes a piece of us as well..........make the most of those relationships while we can. As you gather together today, I'm sure you will all give thanks........perhaps make a commitment to re-kindle a friendship that has dimmed or re-connect to an old friend, make amends to a fragile relationship.........the effort could result in a more fulfilled life movinf forward. Not every such effort has that ending,but without making the effort, you might never know the outcome. I am certainly grateful for re-connecting and making new friends through our class events....reunions, birthday parties, breakfast gatherings, etc. 

      Our next Breakfast Gathering is Saturday, December 3rd at The Dream Restaurant in Hollidaysburg at 9 am. This Saturday venue change is only for December as Prime Buffet has a Christmas party in the room we gather. January's Saturday Gathering will be back at Prime Buffet. Our Wednesday Gatherings will continue at The Dream in Hollidaysburg in a private meeting room at 9 am. We would love to see more classmates come out to join in the fellowship and friendships......remember, your first time to a Gathering is FREE.....we're positive you will enjoy the time. If you've been thinking about it, just make up your mind and come out, if you're on the fence, give it a try you might enjoy it, if you're totally against doing anything with our Class of 1975, I respect that and wish you well......we will miss you too though. 

     Until next time my friends.......

         "Life is full of surprises. When your day is wonderful, cherish it. When it becomes difficult, stay strong. 

        There are no guarantees how many days you have left so be grateful for each and every one of them."


12/01/22 03:23 PM #12    


Rocco Alianiello (Alianiello)

Greeting Classmates,

       I hope this finds evevryone doing well and shoveling out of our first snow accumulation of the winter season in Central PA. This has been an emotional week for those of us who knew classmate, Rod Gottshall. He sadly passed away on November 10 and he was laid to rest on November 15. Rod was truly a genuinely all around good guy. He was a friend to everyone and will be deeply missed. R.I.P. Rod, we had some fun times together.

       Today. we had our Class of 1975 Breakfast Gathering at our new Wednesday location, The Dream Restaurant in Hollidaysburg. We welcomed classmate, Ken Trude, a first time attendee, but certainly not the last time. it was great to see Ken and catch up. Looking forward to many more gatherings together. Remember, everyone is welcomed and encouraged to come, I have to call out a couple classmates who PROMISED to attend soon, Tom Sipes, Barb Strohm Staines, Barb Heiss, Autumn Condon Kauffman and Tim Seasoltz. No pressure but we'll be waiting for you at the next gathering on Saturday December 3rd at The Dream Restaurant (Yes, not a typo, Prime Buffet has a Christmas function in our room so we are moving just for this time) still at 9:00 am........remember, you get a free breakfast your first time attending. I promise you will enjoy the time spent with classmates.

      Our Class of 1975 65th Birthday Celebration is scheduled!!!!!!! Friday August 25th Curve Game, then Saturday August 26th at the Tavern 27 (Park Hills).for a social time.  We have the outside patio contracted with a deposit. Times will be decided, but pencil in the weekend to attend and celebrate our 65 years of life. As we are witnessing too often, we cannot take anything for granted.......each and every day is a blessing.

    I have attached the next list of Classmates that are NOT REGISTERED on our website,, if you know (which I'm sure many of us know some of these classmates) anyone on this and the other listes I sent out, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE get their e-mail address and send to me and I will register them or have them register themselves, it's EASY. We at least need to get as many classmates registered so they receive our e-mails. Don't forget to LIKE us on FACEBOOK Altoona Area High School Class of 1975.

      Until next time my friends, our friend Rod Gottshall was selflessly an organ donor and a statement he made when he decided to be a donor was exactly the kind of person he was......"I hope that whoever gets my eyes, sees life like I did"    WOW......that's all folks.
Becky Ickes (Logan) 
Patricia Ickes (Watkins) 
Deborah D. Ingham (Prosser) 
Janet Lee Ingram (Ingram) 
Donald E. Irvin (Irvin) 
James M. Ivory (Ivory) 
Janie Jackson (Wilson) 
Robin Jackson (Fitzgerald) 
Vance E. John (John) 
Charles E. Johnson (Johnson) 
Kelley J. Johnson (Schaffer) 
Mark D. Johnson (Johnson) 
Karen Johnston (Macak) 
Robert C. Johnston (Johnston) 
Deborah M. Jones (Jones) 
John A. Joseph (Joseph) 
Andrea L. Karnes (Garneau) 
Janet Kasprzck (Barstow) 
Rose M. Katen (Diehl) 
Debra L. Kauffman (Kauffman) 
Jerry L. Keith (Keith) 
Loretta Keith (Mangia) 
Rebecca Keller (Miller) 
Jeffery A. Kelley (Kelley) 
Steve Kelsey (Kelsey) 
Mary Elizabeth Kessler (Adams) 
Brian D. Kidd (Kidd) 
Harry B. Kipp (Kipp) 
Susan Klein (Woleslagle) 
Sheila R. Knepp (Winstead) 
Rodney William Knipple (Knipple) 
David E. Knob (Knob) 
Walter B. Koller (Koller) 
Bryan P. Koon (Koon) 
Michael J. Kristofco (Kristofco) 
Diane M. Krohne (Cover) 
Thomas J. Kruise (Kruise) 
Lucinda A. Kuhn (Kuhn) 
William H. Kumpf (Kumpf)

12/06/22 11:07 AM #13    


Rocco Alianiello (Alianiello)

Greeting Classmates:

        I hope this finds everyone doing well and preparing early for the fast approaching Christmas Holiday. Only 20 days until that Blessed Day. Sometimes and unknowingly, we can take our blessings for granted. Unfortunately, until we are faced with a situation that changes our lives, we don't fully appreciate or grasp the small things that might go under appreciated.

        We've had many classmates that have passed from us way too early, we have had classmates that have struggled through health issues, both physically and mentally, we have had classmates that lost husbands, wives and children. Life presents challenges as well as blessings.........recognizing both can put into perspective what is REALLY important..

     In July of this year, we lost a classmate, Linda Murray McGinnis. Lindas husband, Rick, was also a classmate. A tragic loss for the family. Rick wanted to let classmates know that there is a scholarship fund set up,in her memory for future graduates which will be awarded annually. 

     Anyone interested can make donations to the Linda McGinnis Scholarship Fund. Checks can be made payable to the AAHS scholarship fund -memo-Linda McGinnis and mailed to 1404 6th Avenue, Altoona, PA 16602.

      I recently became aware of another classmate that had life changing health issues. Classmate, Mike Nazaruk, recently had one leg amputated below the knee due to a blood clot condition and as a result, gangrene killed his leg.

     Steve Maurey, suffered a Stroke earlier this year and is continuing to struggle with his mental health issues.

     Jim Mattern, had extensive surgery to battle cancer and is slowly recovering.

   Lou Rago has had many health issues and in his own words, shouldn't be alive today, but for the grace of God

     I'm sure there are many other classmates that have been faced with life changing circumstances and our thoughts, blessings and prayers go out to all.......but sometimes, giving help in the form of assisting with physical chores, assisting monetarily, ,etc. is needed.

     I'm asking for any suggestions, from our classmates on 'What More Can We Do?" to help those that need our help. Please send in any ideas on how we can make more of an impact to classmates in need. As always, we have a great class and I appreciate all the support. What more can we do?

     Until next time my friends............A persons most useful asset is not a head full of knowledge, but a heart full of love, an ear ready to listen and a hand willing to help.


12/13/22 10:36 AM #14    


Rocco Alianiello (Alianiello)

Greeting Classmates,

                         I hope this finds everyone doing well. It is with a heavy heart that this message is sent. We lost another classmate and friend. Jeff Beasom, passed unexpectedly, yesterday. Jeff recently moved to Florida from Texas and was looking forward to his retirement. He was a good friend from way back to Jr High. His brother-in-law and our classmate, Tim Reighard, passed on this sad news. Our prayers go out to his friends and family as they struggle with his sudden passing especially during this holiday season. 

                     Strength continues to come from FAITH.........even when the lights fade and hope seems to as well, we call on our FAITH to bring light and renew hope. Until next time my friends, pray for the family of our classmate, Jeff Beasom

12/20/22 04:01 PM #15    


Rocco Alianiello (Alianiello)

Greeting Classmates,

        I hope this finds everyone doing well and relaxing for the beautiful upcoming Christmas Day. Regrdless of how old we are getting, Christmas continues to be magical. Maybe a different magic than when we were young, but still the Day continues to bring an energy of life, hope and love to our lives. Keep the youth of Christmas. Heres some timeless advice to keep it Magical and Undistracted:

1. Slow Down

2. Be Present

3. Be Grateful

     Enjoy your family. Your undivided TIME and HUGS will always be the best gifts they can receive. Merry Blessed Christmas to all of you.

     Until next time, my friends ............Prayers for strength for those that are weak, hope for those that feel lost, faith for those that are struggling, light for those that live in darkness. 

P.S.     Don't forget that tomorrow, Wednesday December 21 is our last Breakfast Gathering in 2022. This gathering is at The Dream at 9:00 am. Come on out and join us as we say goodbye to 2022 and look forward to  a great 2023. 


01/03/23 02:56 PM #16    


Rocco Alianiello (Alianiello)

Greeting Classmates:

       I hope this finds everyone doing well and relaxing into another year. I'm sorry to start this year out with sad news, but we lost another classmate this week and I was informed that we lost yet another classmate in 2018 that we didn't know about.

     On Friday, December 30, Charlie Moore passed away unexpectedly. Charlie was a regular attendee at our Breakfast Gatherings and was set to retire in a few short weeks. Those of who knew Chuck remember his ever present smile, always pleasant. He told us at the December Gathering how much he was looking forward to retiring to spend time with his grandchildren and one more on the way. Sometimes life doesn't quite seem fair as we can't understand why things happen the way they do, but no one is guaranteed tomorrow, so live today as if it were your last day. 

     I just learned that another classmate, Janet, Kasprzak Barstow, passed away in 2018. She was friends with Christina Negri, Jays cousin and she was dear friend of Christina's. 

     As we enter into another chapter of our lives that we author, let's write a masterpiece in 2023. Make this chapter the most memorable of the book so far. Start today, do things that make a difference in peoples lives, do random acts of kindness, these don't have to be monumental, but to that person, they may be. Give back when you can, it's not always about money, sometimes it's our time that is most appreciated. Rescue an animal from a shelter or a rescue, volunteer for a good cause. Be a mentor to a young child, they need guidance in very negatively influenced society. Pray, we all need divine guidance. It's your story to write and in the case of our friend Charlie, we never know when that last chapter will be.

   Until next time my friends.......start your masterpiece

02/01/23 03:24 PM #17    


Rocco Alianiello (Alianiello)

Greeting Classmates,

       I hope this finds everyone doing well and welcoming in February 2023 and saying goodbye to January 2023. Another day closer to Spring!!!! Fair warning to all you Gentlemen..........Valentines Day is two weeks away and we know how fast time goes by. Plan ahead for your "Sweetheart" and make her feel special. Don't wait until the last minute and get the "grocery store" roses........kinda gives it away when you come home from the grocery store with a dozen wilting roses wrapped in clear plastic with  a barcode on the wrapper. Send her something, get a card and actually write something in it, take her to dinner or better yet, cook her favorite meal, candles and wine included. Then do the dishes while she relaxes.It's her day......MAKE IT SPECIAL. Remember how to romance your can have its benefits. Ok, Ok........I gave you enough ideas and plenty of's in your hands now.

      This is the year that we will, collectively, celebrate our 65th Birthday. Make plans to attend a Curve Game on Friday, Go to a Class Breakfast Gathering on Saturday morning then celebrate with a Birthday Party Saturday evening at Tavern 27. All the little details will be communicated as we get closer to August. Check the Home page of our website for details. Speaking of our website, thank you to everyone who has helped other classmates get registered, but we still have over 500 "unknown" classmates that are not registered on our website. Please help to locate the classmates you know and get their e-mail addresses and send it to me and I will register them or ask them to register. The more we can get communicated, the more that will attend our's a WIN WIN. Thanks for your help. And while I'm thanking you, THANKS for the classmates that have stepped up and sent in donations to our class fund. The more we can build this fund, the less our ticket prices will be for the reunion and hopefully the MORE CLASSMATES THAT WILL's a WIN WIN AGAIN. As of now sending a check is the best way, I'm looking into Pay Pal and Venmo for alternate ways to send in donations. But in the meantime, send your checks payable to AAHS Class of 1975 to 342 Bel Aire Road Hollidaysburg, PA 16648. Tim Reighard is our Treasurer and will give updates periodically. Thanks Tim.

      Our 50th Reunion is planned for 2025, and is going to be a milestone event, We've been sharing many ideas at our Breakfast Gatherings and it is sure to be an awesome Reunion. Send in any ideas that you may have or better yet start attending our Breakfast Gatherings to share ideas. Always the 1st Saturday at Prime Sirloin and the 3rd Wednesday at The Dream......always at 9:00am........great company and conversations.

    Until next time, my friends......Let go of what you cannot change. Recognize that some things are just oit of our control, and that's ok. Let's go and focus on what you can change and make a difference.

                                               DON"T FORGET VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!!!!!

02/24/23 11:41 AM #18    


Rocco Alianiello (Alianiello)

Greeting Classmates,

         I hope this finds everyone doing well. We have a classmate that needs our assistance. As you know, our classmate. Mike Nazaruk, recently had his leg amputated. Although a life altering event, Mike is keeping his spirits positive and looking forward to getting his prosthetic and gaining mobility back. Mike need a handrail installed by his outside door. He already has the handrail but needs it installed. I'm sure we have some classmates with the handyman expertise to help out a classmate in need and install the handrail so Mike can safely use the steps to his house. If this fits your skill set and can give of your time and talent, Mike could use your he mentioned, "time is of the essence" as his only way to enter and exit is not safe now.

       Please contact me so we can set this little project may be a small project to complete but the results will be enormous for him. Looking forward to getting some replies.......I will assist in the project. Thanks for your gracious and generous responses.

     Until next time my's the small things we do that have the biggest impact to those who receive them.

02/25/23 12:06 PM #19    


Ronald Brian Servello (Servello)

I wish I could help Mike! I just got hernia surgery. It sounds like an easy job.


03/25/23 07:27 AM #20    


Rocco Alianiello (Alianiello)

           I hope this finds everyone doing well, adjusting to the time change and welcoming Spring of 2023. The time change thing just doesn't make sense and has more negatives than ANY positives. Can anyone name one positive thing about changing our clocks twice a year........back then forward. ??????????  But Spring is here and the beauty of it all is starting to's great to get outside and start the yard projects. Get out and breathe in the fresh air and connect with the sounds and sights of therapeutic and brings energy to the soul.

      Some great things are happening with our class connections and events. If you can reach out to any classmate that you know who is not receiving these emails or connected on our FaceBook Page, please get an email address and send it to me, or ask them to register on our class website Our FB page is Altoona Area High School Class of 1975. This is how we stay connected to all the news and updates about our classmates and upcoming events. And please take a moment to check your own profile on the website to make sure all the information is correct......e-mail address, home address, cell number, birthdate etc. You just never know when you might get a "pick me up" card or a special treat delivered to your house or a phone call to say hello.  We've had some very nice response from those that already received one those from the Class of 1975. Just another way to stay connected in a more personal way. There will be some classmates that maybe don't want to be bothered.....much respect to that....but for those that are still interested in staying connected, reach out by commenting on our FB page, come to a Breakfast Gathering twice a month, every month, make plans to attend our 65th Class Birthday party (even though many of us are turning 66, its a symbolic milestone). 

    Speaking of Breakfast Gatherings, here's a good way to make your first showing and not feel shy or unsure what you're walking into. Our next Gathering is Saturday April 1st ( yep, April Fools Day) at 9:00 Prime Sirloin Buffet, but NO FOOLING.....we are having the Easter Bunny at our breakfast, so bring your Grandkids (or your kids Al Abraham) visit the Easter Bunny, say hello to some classmates, eat breakfast or just sit and chat for awhile. You will see how engaging these breakfasts are.........every classmate that comes, always comes back. This Bunny opportunity offers you a chance to "sneak peak" what its all about and a chance to bring your Grandkids to see that Rascally Rabbit, oh wait, thats the other Bugs.

    Our 65th Birthday party is all planned;

       August  25       Friday night Curve Baseball game

       August 26       Saturday morning 9:00 am Breakfast Gathering at Prime Sirloin Buffet

       August 26        Saturday evening Tavern 27 (Park Hills) Birthday Party

       August 27        Sunday morning 9:00 am send off Breakfast Gathering at Dream Restaurant

To make it easy....all events are pay for yourself. 

     A wrap up request, please keep our classmates that are struggling with any issues (health, financial, emotional, addictions) in your prayers and if you know any classmates that need any help, we have a very willing group of classmates that will help in any way we can, but we need to know. We had a great story about helping Mike Nazaruk get a railing installed to help him navigate after having his leg amputated. Classmate Sue Banks Kyper and husband Steve installed within 24 hours of being aware of the need. By the way, Mike received his prosthetic leg and is learning how to use it, he will be back at our breakfast Gatherings very soon. 

     Until next time, my friends.........find peace in imperfection. Nothing in life is perfect, including yourself and others. Instead of striving for flawlessness, find joy in the imperfections that make life unique. 



05/01/23 01:50 PM #21    


Rocco Alianiello (Alianiello)

Greeting Classmates,

        I hope this finds everyone doing well. It seems like all the news I have been posting recently have been news of classmates passing, parents of classmates passing, injuries and health issues. I try to send more pleasant news when I come across it and try to find more good than sad. I'm sure there is much more good news out there than I've not been aware, so PLEASE, if you have GOOD NEWS about our classmates, send it my way so I can share. We all like to hear that stuff too.

      Recently, I communicated the passing of some classmates mothers, Marianne Sickles Grabowski and Dawn Baier, both lost their mothers during the same week. Prayers to them. It seems like this time in our lives is when we experience the passing of parents, friends and all too often our own classmates. These sad events often bring a sudden closeure to a lifetime of memories, many good, some sad but no more memories will be made. Only the thoughts the past make an impact on our lives. The reflection on these events that I have experienced had profound effects on the way I view the remaining time I have. Not to dwell too deep into my own thoughts, but a few thoughts to ponder as we enjoy our remaining time  (sounds like I'm thinking doomsday, but not at all, only the reality of living). As lyrics in the song "Hey You" by the Clarks state....."you have to live to die".......says it all the things you want to do, treat people the way you want to be treated.....don't sweat the small stuff.....don't put off what you can do now to a later day (that day may not come)......reach out first to family, friends and acquaintances, don't wait .......don't complain, rather appreciate and give thanks, don't be so quick to judge, you never know whats happening in someone elses more and argue less........tell the ones you love that you do. Over the years of sending out messages, many classmates , parents, children, relatives, friends have passed changing events, for many, but not the end for those remaining. LIVE before you DIE!!!!

    Make the MOST of is A Wonderful Life,  George Bailey.........hopefully it doesn't take ASC Clarence Oddbody to remind us.

    A couple reminders...

Attend our.Breakfast Gatherings held twice a month, the 1st Saturday of the month at Prime Sirloin Buffet and the 3rd Wednesday of the month at The Dream. Always at 9:00am and ALWAYS FUN

Attend our AAHS Class of 1975 Birthday Party THIS YEAR August 25, 26 and  27th..Check out details on the Homepage of our website

Make plans to attend our AAHS 50th Class Reunion 2025....detail to be announced

Send in donations to our class fund to defray the cost of our 50th reunion...details on Homepage

Update your information on the website 

Notify classmates to register on our website 

Follow our FaceBook Page Altoona Area High School Class of 1975

Until next time my friends and remember.......Nobody grows old by living a number of years. People grow old by deserting their ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up interest wrinkles the soul.

05/15/23 09:46 AM #22    


Rocco Alianiello (Alianiello)

Greeting Classmates,

         I hope this finds everyone doing well and that all had a wonderful Mothers Day. It was a gorgeous day to celebrate the lives of our Moms, both living and deceased, and to those classmates that are Moms and Grandmas, to be celebrated as well.

       We have communicated over the years, the losses of many of our classmates parents. Truly a life changing event to lose a parent. For most, they have been a guiding force and constant support in our lives. Sometimes the impact of their influence isn't truly realized until, sadly, they are no longer with us. For those that still are blessed with one or both parents, this is the time in our lives when we become the caregiver, support, companion, friend, etc. Cherish the time because they need us and appreciate the changed roles in our lives. 

    I recently had a scare with my Mother, a very healthy an independent 92 year old. She recovered and is back to herself, but the immediate thought of possibly losing her, was hard to comprehend. After all, she has been healthy, living independantly, still cooking my favorite meals, going to church, playing cards with her friends, etc. The reality for ALL of us, is that, the time will come, ready or not, so cherish the present, do the little things NOW. Don't live to have regrets later. That recent day when I had to call 911 for my Mom was an eye opener. As strong as she has been all her life and for her children, don't assume that it will always be that way.

    So for all you Mothers, children with living Moms and those that Moms have passed.......the impact you have is immeasurable, don't take anything for granted and celebrate a life that influenced and loved unconditionally

         Happy Mothers Day!!!!!!!       Until next time, my friends.

08/20/23 07:09 PM #23    


Rocco Alianiello (Alianiello)

Greeting Classmates,

         I hope this finds everyone doing well and looking forward to connecting with classmates and friends THIS WEEKEND for our AAHS CLASS of 1975 BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION!!!!!! Thats right, this weekend, Friday August 25, Saturday August 26 and Sunday August 27 is our Birthday Celebration Weekend. Here is the current count for all the events:



  • Altoona Curve Baseball Game

  • Friday, Aug 25, 2023

  • 54

  • Breakfast Gathering

  • Saturday, Aug 26, 2023

  • 26

  • AAHS Class of 1975 65th Birthday Party

  • Saturday, Aug 26, 2023

  • 65

  • Breakfast Gathering

  • Sunday, Aug 27, 2023

  • 22

       It is shaping up to be a very nice turnout with a weather forecast being very favorable. If you are still undecided, please consider registering on our website, you will be pleasantly surprised at the warm hospitality between our classmates. Even if you didn't know some of them now, you will when you leave. If you have already registered, THANK YOU and see you this weekend. If you do not want to attend our class events, I certainly respect your decision, but know that YOU WILL BE MISSED and MISSING OUT on an opportunity to have very enjoyable night/morning out with classmates. Like I mentioned, we didn't / couldn't know everyone in our class of 1,017, but getting together, we all share a common time AND almost 50 years of life that probably has connections between all of us. Conversations are GREAT and they end up in new or renewed friendships. I have seen it happen in our twice monthly Breakfast Gatherings......we are all FRIENDS now, when we weren't before we reconnected. IT WORKS and is MAGICAL. But you have to be present to EXPERIENCE THE MAGIC.

    Heres my commitment to those classmates on the fence or against coming, I or other classmates will personally make a connection with all of you to make the event pleasant and example is our last reunion at the Pavilion in Lakemont Park, we provided an opportunity for all classmates to share some life experiences with classmates.....that ended up lasting a very long time and provided a platform for continued conversations with classmates.....all voluntarily......... no one spoke that didn't want too, but it was incredible how many classmates WANTED to speak...........WE ARE A SPECIAL GROUP.....that has been obvious with ALL of OUR PAST EVENTS..........Please consider growing our classmate friendship network by attending. If you come and decide its not for you, at least you tried....but if you haven't tried, you will never know the possible rewards of gaining new or revitalizing past friendships. 

     Stay tuned for more emails this week......please be tolerant of and read them.  Until next time my friends.


08/22/23 10:31 PM #24    


Rocco Alianiello (Alianiello)

Greeting Classmates,

     I hope this finds everyone doing well. I'm sure you'll all be reading this on Wednesday morning as I type this Tuesday night. It's so exciting that THIS WEEKEND we will have an opportunity to connect with classmates as we collectively celebrate our 65th, 66th or 67th Birthday.

    Let's talk about FRIDAY NIGHT.......................................

         We have a planned event to meet at PNG Ballpark to enjoy an ALTOONA CURVE baseball game. If you come to the ballpark, the AAHS Class of 1975 will be meeting in the Outfield Bleacher seats. You can buy a General Admission ticket and go to the Party Deck in Left Field. The game starts at 6:00 pm............ BUT.........a coincidental surprise for our entertainment is CLASSMATE RICK WERTZ will be playing on the party deck from 5:00 - 6:00. So if you COME EARLY, you can begin the night listening to SILVER LININGS, featuring RICK WERTZ. 

     Please look for our AAHS CLASS of 1975 REGISTRATION TABLE right past the food stand on the left side right in front of the grassy hillside. We will have classmates that will make sure you get a NAME TAG, direct you to our photographer for a photo for the "YEARBOOK", which you can purchase a copy. I have one from our last three reunions and they are great keepsakes.Our registration help will make sure you are comfortable with the other events planned for the weekend and update you on our 50th reunion plans. 

     Find a seat and enjoy the game or mingle and catch up the many classmates that are registered for this Friday event. BUT PLEASE, make sure you introduce yourself to other classmates and reacquaint yourselves or meet for the first time. It's been many years since we've seen each other so none of us look the same as we did in high school and thats all good..........thank goodness for NAMETAGS and don't feel offended if we have to peer down at those tags to catch a glimpse of your name. 

    The weather is forecasted to be very favorable so lets all get to the ballfield, enjoy the company of our AAHS Class of 1975 while taking in a ballgame. 

    We will have a GROUP PICTURE taken around 7:00 pm so PLEASE try to stick around or show up so we can get a picture with all attending classmates.

    Remember, BREAKFAST GATHERING SATURDAY MORNING at 9:00 am at The PRIME SIRLOIN BUFFET in Duncansville close to the MEADOWS Frozen Custard. If you are attending a breakfast for the first time it's FREE.........come out and enjoy a great breakfast and get ready to enjoy our BIRTHDAY PARTY at the TAVERN 27 later that day at 5:30 pm.........we'll talk more about that later

     Until next time my friends.......the excitement is building............

08/24/23 03:13 PM #25    


Rocco Alianiello (Alianiello)

Greeting Classmates,

      I hope this finds you all doing well. For those that are coming to one or all of our BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION WEEKEND EVENTS, I am looking forward to seeing all of you. For those that have not registered, THERE IS STILL TIME to register OR JUST SHOW UP, we will be HAPPY TO SEE YOU!!!!!


Gates OPEN at 5:00 PM 
Buy a General Admission Ticket and meet up in the Outfield Bleacher Seats
Come early to listen to Rick Wertz musically entertain us from 5-6
Check in at the registration area
Name tags will have womens MAIDEN NAMES (that's how we knew you)
Get your  individual photo taken
Donate to the class reunion fund (only if you want to...NOT NECESSARY or REQUIRED)
Stick around for the GROUP PICTURE around 7:00 pm
Continue to party with classmates at a place of your choosing after the game
   The weather still looks favorable, but there is a chance of rain at times on Friday. 

PLAN A:  The game will go as planned with no delays.....GO CURVE

PLAN B:  We are able to enter the ballpark BUT there is a delay.....we will wait it out under the covered party deck near the outfield bleacher seats

PLAN C: HIGHLY UNLIKELY.....But if we can't enter the ball park lets plan to meet a Zach's Sports Bar at 6:30 PM

OK, Let's talk about SATURDAY.......................................................

Saturday will start off with a 9:00 am breakfast ( give or take as I'm always late on Saturday's because of my morning workouts which I don't miss, but I will be there late)
If this is your FIRST CLASS BREAKFAST GATHERING....IT's FREEEEE, so why wouldn't you come?????? Even if you didn't register, you should still come, we reserved a BIG ROOM for our CLASS of 1975
Enjoy the rest of Saturday until we meet up at the Tavern 27 at 5:30 PM
Check-in at the registration table get your name tags and class information stuff
Get your individual picture taken (yes again if you did already at the Curve Game)
Enjoy a Cash Bar with Beer, Wine and Soft Drinks on the patio . If you want a harder drink you can purchase those at the inside bar.
We are offering a better option than ordering off the menu which will only cost $20.00 per person which includes tax AND Gratuity
Heres what you get for $20 all in
Choice of three Panini Wraps
Roasted Turkey
Italian Deli
Fresh Vege
Cole Slaw
Endless Fries
Coffee and Tea
If you wish to eat from the menu, you can by ordering inside the dining area
We will be musically entertained by NATIVE SONS, an Accoustic Duo including our classmate Cathy Hocherl's husband, Bill from 6:00 - 9:00 pm
We will sing "Happy Birthday" to ourselves (looking for a volunteer "choir director" that can lead us in song
Get ANOTHER GROUP picture taken around 7:00 pm
Cut the cake and enjoy either chocolate or vanilla cake
Enjoy the beautiful view of the golf course and comfortable seating on the patio while MINGLING with classmates and making introductions to those you haven't met
The Tavern 27 part of the evening concludes at 10:00 pm  BUT the party can continue at the places of your choosing
Complete the weekend on Sunday Morning at 9:00 am with Breakfast with classmates at The Dream Restaurant in Hollidaysburg in the party room in the back of the restaurant. Remember if you are attending a Breakfast for the first time it's FREEEEEEEEEE, so WHY NOT?????
Until Next time my friends which will be Friday evening!!!!!!!!

01/28/24 10:23 AM #26    


Ronald Brian Servello (Servello)

Thomas J Winslow lives in Sparks, Nevada. We were close friends at one time from Keith through most of Penn State. I have seen Tom on LinkedIn but for some reason can't communicate with him.

Ron Servello

03/18/24 11:57 AM #27    


Rocco Alianiello (Alianiello)

Greeting Classmates:

       I hope this finds everyone doing well and enjoying the transition from winter into spring. The additional daylight, blooming trees, daffodils and greening grass brings a renewed spirit inside all of us. Take the time and breathe in the new life that is blooming all around us and let it bring new life to your spirit as well. 

      With Easter right around the corner, that certainly signifies a rebirth as well as the official awakening of another Spring. It also brings to our attention (especially us 60 something year old classmates) that life is moving on and we need to embrace every day, every season, every year. Whatever THAT means is certainly a personal, individual decision. But if THAT means connecting with people, traveling, becoming active , volunteering, giving up harmful vices and replacing them with healthy choices, enjoying life and making new friends or reconnecting with old ones, then NOW is the time to begin.

   There are three pillars to conquering and achieving goals:

1)  Inspiration - It's the SPARK that is lit by an external source be it a person, book, movie, etc.

2) Motivation - It's the INITIATIVE taken as a result of that SPARK being lit. Set a goal.

3) Discipline - It's where the work is done to REACH YOUR GOAL. Training yourself to habitually do the                                work WITHOUT FAIL.

    Thats it.....the magic formula for getting things done.........Large things or Small things. Heres an example that is relatable.   

  Let's say that a classmate has been reading our e-mails and seeing our Class Facebook posts and those things created an interest (SPARK) to go to a breakfast or a "Beer with Jay" so this classmate would get comfortable and set a GOAL to attend their graduating class's 50th High School Reunion in August 2025 (MOTIVATION). This classmate set a plan in place to attend at least one class gathering every month, either a Breakfast Gathering on the 1st Saturday or 3rd Wednesday of each month or a "Beer with Jay" on the 2nd Wednesday of every month. This classmate got out a calendar from now until August of 2025 and marked down what class gathering would be attended. Then like clockwork, this classmate attended all events on the calendar up until the 50th Reunion in August 2025 (DISCIPLINE). Come August 2025, this classmate attended the AAHS Class of 1975 50th Reunion and brought along other classmates that were hesitant to go. The new friendships made and others that were re-kindled by attending the gatherings made for a GREAT reunion for ALL. (GOAL ACHIEVED). I could say "THE END", but it's really JUST THE BEGINNING of new and reconnected friendships.

   This story is being lived out by many classmates that are attending our class events and its magical. Sound like a Fairy Tale?  It's not. These are true stories that are happening every month.

   This 50th Reunion is going to be VERY SPECIAL, please don't be the one that said "I wish I would have gone, it sounded like a really nice time".  Set your goal and work your plan. 

Until next time my friends...........Missed opportunities can't be recaptured but opportunities taken won't be forgottten. 

05/11/24 12:38 PM #28    


Rocco Alianiello (Alianiello)

What a fantastic turnout for “A Beer with Jay”. An absolutely perfect evening on the courtyard patio at the Knickerbocker. Food, drinks, service and company of friends was incredible. These class get togethers are a foreshadowing of what our 50th Reunion can be…..but we all have to commit to come, lip service won’t create memories only regrets. Start working on some classmates that are reluctant or hesitant to attend. 
     Classmate Louise Cummings and husband Etienne made the effort to attend while in town from California!!!!  Kathy Gerhard High stopped what she was doing and came. Randy Donnelly made an appearance, I think Sandy Myers Wilkinson and her husband will be coming back often, Sue Gottshall Recchia joined us, along with many others. Thanks!!!!!  We have the absolute BEST Class.

05/15/24 02:16 PM #29    


Rocco Alianiello (Alianiello)

Absolutely incredible turnout this morning!!! 
Great conversation and laughs with friends that are also classmates.  That’s right, coming to these class get togethers created “friends” from just classmates. Thanks for making these gatherings special by your attendance.
Ken Trude
Bev Hoffman
Louise Cummings
Kathy Gebhart
Craig Zettle
Tim Reighard
Nancy Hann
John Gallace
Ann Ostrander
Terry Miller
Debbie Stoner
Rocco Alianiello 
Sandy Myers
Bob Holland
Barb Butler
Bill Albright
Vicki Ciccarella 
Ron Servello
We had so many classmates come today that we had to move to a bigger room!!!! You can feel the momentum building towards our 50th Class Reunion in August of 2025. Please don’t let this milestone pass without your attendance.  Don’t have regrets by saying “I should have gone, maybe next time”
As Apollo Creed said to Rocky Balboa in 
Rocky III…….. “There is no tomorrow”…..
Now is the time to come to these gatherings.                  

                    See you soon!!!!!!

05/16/24 09:23 AM #30    


Rocco Alianiello (Alianiello)

50 years ago, a couple of our 1975 AAHS Classmates were recognized for their athletic achievements. Steve Maurey for wrestling and Tom Gault for tennis. 50 years later, we can get together again at our 50th Reunion and remember ALL the good times since we graduated to where we are today. 

Please consider joining all of us in August 2025 for our AAHS Class of 1975 50th Reunion

06/21/24 11:31 AM #31    


Ronald Brian Servello (Servello)

Rocco, one of our classmates, Thomas J. Winslow lives in Sparks, Nevada. I am trying to contact him.

Ron Servello

06/21/24 05:34 PM #32    


Rocco Alianiello (Alianiello)

Thanks Ron,

           Let me know if I can help. 

08/03/24 07:50 AM #33    


Rocco Alianiello (Alianiello)

Greeting Classmates,

           I hope this finds everyone doing well. Welcome to August 2024!!!! Our AAHS Class of 1975 is exactly ONE YEAR AWAY from our 50th CLASS REUNION. That's right, your eyes aren't decieving you so don't clean off your one year August 22nd, 23rd and 24th of 2025, we will be celebrating our 50th Class Reunion. 

        Take a pause and reflect on the significance of this milestone. What this represents to all of us, individually and collectively.  For one thing, we are here to celebrate it, while unfortunately many of our classmates, 148, that we know of, are not that fortunate. We have grown, lived, survived, thrived, laughed, cried, loved, lost, questioned, believed, won, peresevered, traveled, experienced good and name it.....we have lived!!!!!!!!  And we are still standing......that my friends, is reason to celebrate together.

       We all have a common bond and that is being an Altoona Mountain Lion that roamed the halls of the Brownstone for its final year, represented our school athletically, academically, musically, dramatically, etc., were the first to put our paw prints in the new High School and the first class to leave the pack and graduate from there. Although, we all may not have known each other well, traveled very different paths , had different circles of friends, participated in different activities or none at all, we STILL SHARE common memories of the time, of people, teachers, history......and that is unbreakable. 

      As i mentioned, we are fortunate to stll be standing and able to come together again 50 years  after we all walked in the graduation procession at Mansion Park and chose our future paths. That's the magic of reconnecting, or connecting for the first time.........everyone has a story to share. What an incredible opportunity we have. To share our life story with classmates and friends we may not have seen for 50 years.

      We have ALL changed, tell me about it, the hair is graying and thinning, the face shows the 67 years of laughing and frowning, the waistline shows the occasional beverage and midnight snacks.....SO WHAT..........everyone has the same badges of honor of living. This reunion will, no doubt be a very memorable night.....but what will make it an AMAZING, UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE will be YOUR attendance. If all of us that are able, make the effort to attend, the weekend will be one that we won't want to end. 

     Because of the generosity of MANY CLASSMATES, we will be in a position to offer a VERY AFFORDABLE weekend of reuniting. Our monthly class gatherings collect consistent donations, most recently, Marianne Sickles Grabowski, Robbie and Karen Johns, Kathy Gerhard High, Louise Cummings Runge have all been very generous by contributing to our class effort to provide a memorable, affordable 50th Reunion. If you are able to help support the class fund (every donation helps defray the ticket price), please send your check made payable to: AAHS Class of 1975 Reunion and send it to:

AAHS Class of 1975

342 Bel Aire Road

Hollidaysburg, PA  16648


     Until next time my friends, cultivate lasting friendships, sow seeds of kindness, don't let little things bug you and take time for is worth fighting the good fight.

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