In Memory

Alvis Crumpton

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12/06/11 10:51 PM #1    

Gay Johnson (Romero)

He was a very special person to have as a friend.  We became friends later in life.

12/08/11 07:16 PM #2    

Steve Billings

You couldn't ask for a better friend than Alvis, I'm still pissed at him for leaving the ballgame so early!

02/27/12 12:50 PM #3    

Jim Hawkins

i keep expecting the phone to ring and Alvis to be on the other end talking about our 45th class reunion.

08/04/12 05:35 PM #4    

Carol Klinar (Hall)

I am really sad that Alvis will not be at our reunion.  It doesn't seem right to have one without him.  Alvis was a friend to all, and a good one at that!  

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