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03/16/14 07:38 PM #1    


Sara Northrup

Welcome to the Tascosa High School Class of 1984 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

05/04/14 10:51 PM #2    


Charles Cale

Hey! ...all y'all.

I'm strangely drawn to this group after ~ 20+ years of pretty much trying to forget those years.  

I'm still close to a very few of you and greatful for that, but I do wonder what everyone else has been up to.  You're all in my head you know?  It's not like i don't remember every single one of you, even the ones I never spoke with.  I mean if I hear your name I can picture you.  You guys all stuck in my head somehow.  High School, it's a thing isn't it?  


05/05/14 07:41 AM #3    


Marcy Mason (McKay)

I know EXACTLY what you mean. The moment I read I had a post from CHARLES Cale, I thought, "Charlie?" You'll be happy to know the next thought that popped into my head was, "Nice guy." For better or for worse, 1st-12th grades are embedded in our brains. I hope you'll make it to the reunion....I'd like to hear the story behind the pirates hat!

06/10/14 10:59 AM #4    


Ross "Trey" Morgan

You guys all still look SO good. I think I'm the only one that has aged. :)

07/01/14 10:20 AM #5    


Debbie Gray (Grover)

Another good hotel that a few of us are staying at:

Residence Inn Amarillo By Marriott
Hotel contact details
6700 W Interstate 40
United States

07/03/14 09:17 PM #6    


Tony Johnson

I can't wait to see you all again. Wow...30 years and I still look 18...LOL
Seriously, I'm blessed to still be alive and healthy with a beautiful wife and family.
See ya July 25 & 26...1 Luv :)

07/25/14 08:44 AM #7    


Paul Bartlett

Thanks to everyone that has worked so hard to put this together.

And I got to give a shout out to Sara N. I am really looking forward to watching the podcast of the events!

There will be a podcast, right?...

07/26/14 09:45 AM #8    


Marcy Mason (McKay)

ANYONE in the Amarillo area...remember, TODAY noon - 2 pm is our FREE picnic at Tascosa. FREE hot dogs + tour of the school @ 1 pm! Hope to see you there! (remember, NO alcoholic beverages).

07/27/14 11:35 AM #9    


Troy Duck

Thank you to everyone who worked so hard on putting together this event and to everyone who made the effort to attend. It was great seeing all of you again. You were and still are an amazingly unique group of people. The past 30 years has only changed you for the better and I hope the years to come are filled with blessings and happiness for you all. May God bless each of you until we meet again.

07/27/14 01:04 PM #10    


Chris Howard

Glad to see the reunion was such a success and sure wish I could have been there. How many were finally able to make it? Too bad it will be another 10 years to the next one. Thankfully we have this site and Facebook to keep our Rebel family in touch. Thanks to everyone who posted pictures, I really enjoyed them.


07/27/14 08:05 PM #11    

Lori Toler (Renfroe)

Thank you to every person that put their time and energy into our 30th reunion. It was an amazing weekend that went so smoothly. Y'all did an incredible job! Also, thank you to the sponsors that kept the costs down.

07/29/14 10:44 AM #12    


Debbie Gray (Grover)

Yes, thank you, thank you reunion committee.  Great job done by Sara N, Aaron Y, Paul G, Angie, and all the connections that Wyndella Kelly had to make it happen!!  LOL  GREAT job by all.  A LOT of people were not able to show, so I hope everyone makes time for it come the 40th Reunion.  I like the 10 yr better than a 5 yr -- much more to catch up on.  Love all you REBELS.  May God continue to bless each and every one of you.  Until the next time ..........See you on FB cheeky

05/27/20 01:44 PM #13    


Chris Howard

Hey Rebels. Just thought I'd say howdy since I haven't seen a post here in a while. I hope everyone is well and managing okay during this crisis.
Just four shorts years until the next reunion. I've missed two, won't miss this one for sure. Too many people I'd like to see again. I did get to spend a little time in February with Miles Cox, Shari Duke (Rogers), Jeff McKnight and Clay Aufleger. They got stuck waiting on my while I had a visit with Kevin Fowlers folks. Sorry again guys! 😬
Anyway, y'all take care, and I'm looking forward to the 2024 reunion. 


12/24/20 11:30 PM #14    


Chris Howard

Hey Rebels! I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! πŸŽ„πŸŽπŸŽ‰πŸΎπŸŽŠ It's been a long year at Howard Manor. Of course, we all know the pain of the Covid pandemic. I have had coworkers who have tested positive and a couple who have list family but my family has made it through fine. We started the year with my brother-in-law being diagnosed with metastatic cancer primarily affecting his bladder and lymph nodes. Fortunately he is still with us and despite a couple close calls, has been accepted to the Keytruda trial. We didn't expect to have him for Christmas, and now he hopefully has years left.       We have been lucky. Both my wife, Debra, and I have been able to continue to work. She has teleworked almost the entire pandemic. They were forced to take a pay cut but it has since been restored. I was promoted to GS-11 in April. Means my retirement in five years will be nice!  When I retire at age 60, I'll have 20 years of civilian federal service and 36 years of service to the US Army that includes active duty and reserve time. Time sure flies.    This summer our daughter Ashley, her husband and three kids moved in with us in our 3-bedroom home. They were able to sell their old mobile home and contract to have a new home built on their land. They closed today and will move in hopefully by the New Year. It's been a challenge, but we survived.     Finally, last weekend we received our née babies  Two miniature dachshunds (sisters) we names Winnie and Binx. Yes, from Hocus Pocus. We will make them Facebook stars. They, along with our 9 year old German Shepherd will keep us entertained for years to come.     Well, hopefully I didn't bore you  I've never done an update like this. I'm really glad social media has helped our class reconnect. I think I'm friends now with more classmates than I was back then. Y'all take care, happy holidays, and if you ever need anything from me, just holle>




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