Edward Salamoff N/A

Profile Updated: March 31, 2014
Residing In: Natick, MA USA
Spouse/Partner: Susan Glickman Salamoff
Occupation: Former Info & Ref. Specialist Elder Services
Children: Adam: Wife Barbara, Children: Sydnee and Kyle

Paul: Wife Melissa, Children Samantha and Ethan
Military Service: U.S. Army: MEDAC (Dental Corps)  
Yes! Attending Reunion


Student Activities/Clubs:

Fraternity - Tau Epsilon Phi
Freshman Swimming Team
Intramural athletics

Residence(s) while at UMass:

Butterfield Dorm

Tau Epsilon Phi Fraternity House

School Story:

Gathering pumpkins on Halloween night from Hadley Farm. We got spotted by the farmer who simply said "Stop or I'll shoot!" We ran and he shot us with rock salt and laughed as we disappeared into the night. I remember having pieces of salt being removed quite poainfully from our butts and thighs. A truly painful memory!!


I wouldn't trade anything for those years at UMass. They were full of fun in addition to getting a great education. After my UMass years I went on to Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. Oh yes, I did take something really wonderful from my UMass years - my wife Susan.

My proudest moment at UMass Amherst was...

GRADUATION!! Sue and I were privileged to be the the marshalls at our son's (Adam) graduation in 1992

If I could give the Class of 2018 one piece of advice when they arrive this fall, it would be:

Study hard, have a good time, and use the time to mature. Avail yourself of the many opportunities UMass has to offer.
