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Judy Miller

Profile Updated: September 1, 2021
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Residing In:
Anchorage, AK USA
Gerald (Jerry) Miller - deceased
Environmental Regulatory Compliance
Jessica, born 1980
Yes! Attending Reunion
Work at Alyeska:

I worked at the Valdez Marine Terminal beginning in 1997 or 98 originally with Chugach North. I worked in the Operations Group doing technical writing - procedures and manuals. I took some time off in 1999-2000 to work the New Carissa Oil Spill in North Bend and Waldport, Oregon, then returned to Project work at the VMT, employed by MACTEC. Eventually I went to work at SERVS 2003-2009

What's happened since?:

I took an oil spill planning job at Arctic Slope Regional Corporation for Arctic OCS leases until the Deepwater Horizon Incident in the Gulf of Mexico. More recently I've done contract work and started an Alternative Response company under recent amendments to the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 for nontank vessels transiting through the Aleutian Islands.
